The Unorthodox Killer Bee

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   Gyatsō let out a small grunt as Bee brought his own arms against the Osore leader's body. Bee then directed a heavy knee to Gyatsō's stomach, sending him flying back. The intensity of the Raikage's chakra coat caused most of Gyatsō's cloak to rip upon impact.

   The white-haired shinobi landed next to Hikari on one knee. He was clutching the wound that was now present on his abdomen. A few drops of his crimson blood slowly dripped onto the ground.

   "Even my Shaolin couldn't pick up that little blow of yours. I almost can't even read your strange movements," Gyatsō said through gritted teeth. Hikari could immediately tell that his superior was only going to get even angrier during this fight. He walked towards the crouching shinobi and gave him a smile.

   "You needn't waste chakra by dealing with this weakling, my lord. Raikage or not, nobody can defeat the divine being that you've become," the blonde male told him.

   Gyatsō slowly looked over to Hikari, giving the male a twisted smile of his own. He then turned his head to look at Bee, who appeared to be preparing for a second attack.

   "With the Raikage dead, I'll be able to erase this shinobi world and replace it with my own. I have no problems with destroying those who get in my way!" the Osore leader yelled out. He then quickly stood up and ran towards Bee, who rushed towards him at the same time.

   Chakra bones in the form of bull horns then appeared on Bee's left arm. To Gyatsō's knowledge, this notorious weapon increased the destructive capacity of the Lariat technique. The white-haired male smirked to himself as he let himself get closer to the Raikage, all the while watching closely in case he made another sudden, unpredictable move.

   With the two shinobi now inches apart, Bee swung his arm towards Gyatsō's neck in an attempt to catch him in the Lariat. After failing to sense any additional movements from his opponent, the younger male lowered himself to the ground at the brink of impact.

   "Attacking me in a linear fashion is utter stupidity," Gyatsō said with a wide smirk. His hair was completely covering his eyes, but Zuko noticed that a faint purple light was emitting from below the bridge of his nose.

   "Almighty Push!"

   A massive dome of air suddenly blew in all directions, with Gyatsō's body as its epicentre. Bee was immediately sent flying in the air. After a few short moments, the white-haired male appeared above the Raikage. After smirking to himself, he performed quick hand seals.

   "Now Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu."

   After kneading a large amount of chakra in his stomach, the Osore leader expelled a massive torrent of water from his mouth, aiming right for Bee. Normally, the skill of his jutsu would require multiple water style users, but naturally, Shaolin enhanced one's chakra manipulation.

   The torrent of water crashed into the dark skinned shinobi and sent him crashing to the ground. However, after a few moments, Gyatsō began to lose his smirk. The water torrent was still spiraling against the Raikage's body, but was dissipating by the second.

   When the majority of the water eventually disappeared, Gyatsō discovered that Bee's hand was against the tip of the now small torrent. The Jinchuriki's chakra coat had receded, but his hands were still covered in the dark red aura.

   How did he absorb it? Gyatsō thought.

   He then landed on the ground with a blank facial expression, once again placing a hand on his stomach wound. The group of Hidden Cloud shinobi behind him were still loudly cheering for their leader, confident in the veteran's skills. He knew that they believed the Jinchuriki's skills surpassed his own, and this caused him to chuckle a bit.

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