7. Waits & goodbyes

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Jake POV

"You should have seen the look on her face when I told her, it broke my heart" I said fighting back tears as I told Corey. "It's not fair. It's not fair that I have to hurt her like that." I said pushing a chair that was in front of me, which startled Corey. "Then why did you do it?" He asked me with a serious face.

"I-I because Loren-" I stumbled over my words trying to come up with a explanation. "Dude did you ever think this girl is becoming toxic?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

 "I mean she never lets you go out anymore, and now she's telling you who you can be friends with?"

I just looked at the ground kicking my feet.

"I didn't mean to her her" 

"Bro I know YOU didn't mean to do anything but you really care about Dylan and for you to cut her off, man I know you. This-this isn't you Jake" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "We agree" I heard voices behind me and saw Aaron, sam, Colby, and Devyn.

"Ok I'm sorry guys but your not me and I chose to be with Loren and if that means I have to cut Dylan out of my life then so be it" I yelled at them before storming up the stairs.

Devyn POV

Once Jake left up into his room I stood up and grabbed my purse. "Where are you going?" Corey asked as I slipped on my shoes. "To go see her" I said back. I drove to Dylan's apartment and walked up to her apartment and banged on the door.

"Who ever it is I don't care just go away!" I heard through the door. "Dylan, open the damn door" I said annoyed. "I don't want to" I heard her voice crack. "Dylan I swear if you don't-" 

All of the sudden she opened the door. I saw her puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks; she had been crying. I pulled her into a hug wrapping my arms around her neck & she started to cry. 

"Shh dyl it's going to be ok" I said stroking her hair."Is it?" She asked through her tears. "Yes yes of course it is Dylan" I said holding her. She let me go and we walked into her apartment and sat on the couch discussing what happened.

She stopped at one point and looked out the window. "What are you thinking?" I asked seeing her drift off in thought. "About going back home to Tennessee" she said looking at me biting her lip.

"Dylan" I sighed."No I'm serious I need sometime away to find myself" she said looking at the ground wiping her nose. "What about me?" I asked laughing not wanting my best friend to leave me. She laughed too.

"You'll be ok" She smiled tears welding up in her eyes again. "Here with Corey- he's so good to you and-" She stopped by letting a tear drop. She was right Corey treated better than I could ever imagine. 

"Dylan." I said pulling her into a hug making me start to cry. "Look at us now we're both crying messes" I said laughing wiping my eyes. "Hi I'm Dylan welcome to my life" She laughed. "With love triangles, pain, and problems " She said.

She let a tear drop from her eye and looked out the window. We talked some more and we decided that she was going back to Tennessee and re-gather herself & we booked her flight for the next day. "Please don't tell anyone, especially Jake. I want to do this and I know if he shows up I-" 

"Dyl I got you, my lips are sealed" I said crossing my fingers behind my back. We talked a little more then I decided to go home since it was late and fell right to sleep.


I woke up the next day and walked downstairs to find everyone sitting downstairs. I was just talking with everyone when something clicked in my brain. "DYLAN!" I screamed remembering everything from last night.

Everyone looked at me. "Guys Guys dylan, she's leaving!" I said panicking.
Jake stood up from his chair. "What do you mean she's leaving?" He asked I heard the panic in his voice. 

"She's getting back on a flight to Tennessee!" I said quickly. "What? When?" He asked looking worried. I looked at the time.

"In a hour!" 


"i gotta go stop her" he said quickly running to get his jacket. "This is all my fault I messed up I need to stop her" he said grabbing his keys and running out the door.

Dylan POV 

As I took one last look at my empty apartment I left the keys on the counter and left and went to my car and started to drive to the airport. I held back tears the best I could trying so hard not to talk myself out of it.

Then I starting thinking of everything I was leaving behind. Most importantly I was leaving behind Jake. I know he probably wanted me gone or won't miss me, but I sure as hell never forget him.

Jake POV 

"Shit shit shit, why did I do this? I'm so fucking stupid" I mumbled to myself. I drove to the airport as fast as I could, even running some red lights. I quickly parked my car and sprinted inside. I ran to the board with the flights listed.

Flight 127 to Tennessee takes off at 12:05 

I looked at my watch 11:55. "Shit shit shit" I said running up to a person behind a desk. "Give me the cheapest ticket you have" I said quickly grabbing my wallet."Flight 457 to San Francisco $24" she said. 

I handed her a $50 and ran through security and started to run to her gate as I was running I heard over the loudspeaker "flight 127 to Tennessee boarding in 3 minutes". "Shit. Shit. Shit." I said sprinting down the airport.

Dylan POV 

No one cared. No one ever cared. I looked at my phone. Not even a text from Jake. Tears started filling my eyes. He never cared. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the lady at the desk said "Flight 1205 to Tennessee is now boarding" 

I mentally groaned. No Dylan this is good. This will be good for you, nothing is her for you in California. You don't belong here, go back home.

"DYLAN! DYLAN WAIT!" I heard someone scream as I handed the lady my ticket. I looked around and stepped out of line. Jake was running towards me and ran up to me out of breath.

"Jake? What are you-"

"Dylan please don't go please" he said tearing up grabbing my hands. I looked away and bit my lip. "Jake I have to-" I said starting to tear up too. "No please Dylan I'm so so sorry just please stay I don't know what I'll do with myself if I let you leave. I can't live without you" he said looking in my eyes.

"Jake there's nothing for me here I don't belong here!" I said. "Yes Dylan yes you do! You belong here with me and Devyn and Corey and lor-" he started to say but caught himself. "With Loren?" I asked looking at him letting a tear drop and crossing my arms.

"No I-i didn't-" he started but the loudspeaker cut him off. "Last call for flight 127 to Tennessee!". I looked at Jake and then at the door. I sighed. "Dylan please" He pleaded. "I'm sorry" I said letting tears roll down my cheeks. "dyl-" he started & starting to cry.

"Goodbye Jake" I said looking at him and walking in board

Word count : 1072

DONT FORGET TO VOTE!! :)) HOLY SHIT BROOO so Dylan left I know I said that she lived in Cali her whole life but just recently moved to LA but I changed my mind. She lived in Tennessee now lol.

What's going to happen next?

What's gonna happen with Jake? 

What's Loren gonna say? 

Does Dylan ever come back?

FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND! (jk lol) but find out next time. (this is me rewriting this and what the actual fuck lol)

trusted|| jake Webber {RE-WRITTING}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora