Chapter III

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·six years later·

Today is my fifteen birthday, I had became more closer with the Gods like never before but the ones who are very special to me are; Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis and Hermes. My very close friend Hemera, she does bring my days with brightness and happiness.

I had meet her when I attend for the first time the Gala of the God and Goddesses that Hera do by the end of each year. Thanatos was messing with my floral crown touching every petal for them to die one by one, I never dared to touch him so I was freeze on the spot. But the my savior was on my rescue, Hemera smack him on the head and got on argument with him for he storm out, literally. She was dressed in bright yellow silky dress while I was with blue sky dress that looked like a cotton candy. When she offered her brightest smile, I give her the fate of our destine friendship.

"Come along, we are already late for your own birthday" Hemera said making me snap to reality, she was making me walking more faster by holding my hand in hers, I was trying to go on her pace.

"I'm the birthday girl, doesn't it mean that they should wait for me? not vise versa?" I ask, never in my birthday party the Gods were early waiting for me. It was unbelievable, but being a good person that I am i always make everybody's birthday.

I give up trying to change her mind and just tried to follow her but suddenly she stopped brutally that made me bump into her. "What's the matter?" We had stopped infant of Apollo's temple, it was close to the big gazebo we have on the garden where my birthday will be hold.

She turn to look at my eyes, she was one of the only people I did't mind them to look at my eyes, because just looking at hers i can see a bright light in her hazel ones. She replies "I wanted to give you the gift I have for you alone, Thanatos can't know you have it or anyone, okey?" I nod. Then I see she was hiding it on her little purse she always carry with her, she lets out a little white box with a black ribbon. "Open it" she commands with a smile on her face.

I do has she says and when I do, my eyes pop open I felt it was gonna fall out of my skull. "Wha-bu-why? how?" I did not know what to say, I looked at her searching the truth of why i have this on my hands. It's imposible, I can't have this.

She reaches for both of my hands and holds them with hers, smoothing the nerves I got just by seeing what I have in my hands. "Mother give it to me telling me it is for you" she replies but I was still unsure of why does it have to do with me. She continues "She said it is for you and only you" I was still unsure but I accepted it. "Hephaestus was very sweet and he made it like a necklace but it is only a necklace when you have the stone in your hands, if you take it off it becomes its natural form" I open the box again showing the MoonStone all in black, like a simple smooth rock. When I pick it up and hold it on the palm of my hand it transform to a simple golden necklace with a rainbow and pearl stone color in the middle. "Beautiful, I never saw it to transform in such a color" I put the necklace on and admire it for a little bit, it was simple and marvelous jewel.

"Thank you" I hug my dear friend with all the love I have for her.

"Please don't tell my brother, he can't know about this" she whisper in my ear, I just nod and pull away, "Now we party!" oh my lord I forgot Dionysus was coming...

We reaches to the gazebo and to my surprise everyone was there, except Thanatos. Every God turn there faces to me and cheered with my arrival. Talking about Dionysus he was the first one to came to me and Hemera. "My lovely doves, why so late to the party?"

"Why? Did you finished all the drink's already?" I ask with a small smirk on my face, I love messing with drunk Dionysus, and he was drunk let's admite all the time.

He laughs and takes my hand and Hemera's in his soft hands. "Tell me child how old did you get?"

Hemera responds first cutting me "She turns fifteen" she picks up a glass of wine that the servants are offering.

He picks two glass of wine and turns to me "Really? Now now child, you should drink! It is the age to drink fifteen glass of wine!" he offers to me the two glass but I only pick one.

"So your saying in each birthday, the person who is celebrating his or her birthday should drink how many age the person is having?" Dionysus gets hiccups and smile so much it looked it was gonna break his face and he responds "Clever girl, yes it is true what your saying"

"So how many glass of wine you take on your birthday?" I ask him taking a sip of the wine in my glass, it taste so bittersweet just how I like it, the flavor dances in my tongue making me feel good inside.

Dionysus laughs out loud "Oh Sweetheart, for my age that is to drink all the time every day" with that he leaves hooking his arms around the arms of the servant to get more wine. I chuckle, I felt someone tap my shoulder and when I turn around it is Zeus. "Hello my dear, happy birthday, are you enjoying the party?" he ask offering his arm for me, Hemera nod at me and walked elsewhere so I accept Zeus arm and walked with him.

"You know why I wanted to talk to you in private right?" he ask, sometimes I think he wants something intimate with me because of all what his done but Athena showed me to always be strong. So I always act polite and profesional to him.

"To be very honest no, is something wrong?" this time I stop walking and look at his electric blue eyes. Zeus is a very handsome man, very strong and build but his my King and he haves an amazing Queen, his like a father figure for me.

He holds both of my small fragile hands in his big strong ones, "Since your power is what the Fates give you and the Life, I need you to live on Earth" I was surprise by this but I let him finish. "You will be the one too chose if a human deserves second chance in life, you will die and reincarnate after words but you'll still remember who you are and you will bring happiness and peace when it is needed in the human world, you will feel the people feeling sad, lonely, happy, anxious, love, everything is on you". I knew this, it is my purpose in this world. "I know you don't like to be around Thanatos, but you will see him a lot while your on earth". That made me roll my eyes and grunt.

"My child, you can come to my palace anytime you want, but your duty will always be needed on earth"

"You mention earlier that I will reincarnate, will I change my physical aspect?" I ask, I won't allow to change my eyes, it is something dear from my three mothers.

"No my child, you will be you but in every life you will have different family, different place, everything. and you'll remember always who you really are" he says hugging me, I hug back. He whispers close to my ear "After you blow the candles you will go for your first life" with that he kissed my forehead and we walked side by side to the gazebo where everyone was waiting for us.

I enjoyed every single minute with each and everyone of them, I know I can see and communicate with them when I want but it won't be the same. I will miss them all. My Family.

I was now behind the giant cake with candles all around it with everyone singing to me. I couldn't focus on their voices anymore, for I was living in my thoughts of how the Earth would treat me. Never felt this sick in the stomach of how nerves I was feeling.

"Theia" Ares spoke up, making me snap back at reality, Ares hand was on my lower back making me shiver with his touch. "Are you okey my love?" in his voice I could hear concern. I look around feeling everyone watching me with the same expression.

"I apologize, I was in la la land" I laughed while everyone did the same, except Hemera, she looked with concern.

"Before blowing the candles, I want to say to everyone I love you and thank you for everything you had sacrifice to made me the person I am today" everyone Awe and started to tell me to blow the candles. So I inhale and blow them all with all I got. Till the last candle turn off I looked at Zeus, and he nod at me. Thunder sounded by the distances, and I close my eyes for all the lighting Zeus was making but all stopped in a split second for when I open them I was in total darkness.

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