Chapter II

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"Where the hell is that devil girl?" Hermes said but more to himself, I could hear him through where I am hiding. I giggled looking at his little wings on his ankles. He stopped walking and I put my hands on my lips to stop the giggling.

"Mmm maybe she is at the garden behind a tree, I'll go there now to catch her" again he said to himself, and his little wings started to move fast making him fly off to his destination. I waited a little longer for he could be waiting outside, but I wanted to hide in another place so I got out from my hiding place and started to run out of the room till two hands stop me.

"Gotcha!" Hermes screams while he picked me up like a potato sack making me giggle and laugh out loud. I started to kick and punch his back but yet he was more stronger and bigger then a nine year old girl.

"How did you find me?" I ask still in his arms but this time he moved me so he could hold me like a bride. He chuckled and looked at my weird eyes "Your giggling could be heard even at Tartarus my child" I looked away I didn't like people looking at my eyes for too long, I knew I was different for I didn't like it one bit at all.

Hermes moved my face holding my chin with his index finger, making me look at his brown eyes. I like his color eyes more then mine are. "Theia, you know what I had told you before right?"

"Not to look down"

Hermes smiles showing his dimples "Very good, never forget your eyes are unique" I smile and kissed his right dimple. I reply "I know". It's part true that are unique in some way, Hera has told me my three mothers had died for me to live. They live in me, in someway I know they do in my eyes. Showing me the truth, the colorful world out there, each color I have in my eyes represents my three mothers. Blue, Green and Brown. I represent them has the Ocean, Sky and Earth. Sometimes the blue turns to grey or vise versa, that's what Athena has told me, she is a very good observer.

Mentioning about Athena, since when I was a little girl she would always leave me in a library to read books about everything; science, religions, history, math, health, everything. Still being a little girl, I can remember everything that I read. Athena is speechless about that ability, she always looked at me with awed when she has me test and I do it very well. She then has made me go to Ares to train, he did not know how to handle me, because of my young age. But do time he learn to teach me how to defend myself.

Hermes was walking me to Apollo's temple, it was my health test today about how to care a sick person of the lungs. It is a very easy test, for I hope I would do it great.

Passing by the garden of the palace, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I felt the hair on my skin get goosebumps, for I knew why I felt this. My smile dropped to a straight line and Hermes grip harden on me.

A dark shadow was coming toward us but Hermes didn't move a muscle and so neither did I.

Thanatos showed up infront of us, for he was a few more age then me but still acts like his father Erebus and his God Hades. They are darkness and death in one, they acted hateful toward everyone with any reason.

Hermes looked at Thanatos grey dead eyes. "What do you need boy" it was more a command then a question. Thanatos did know Hermes hated his dark clouds around us and he smile without showing his teeth.

"It's funny how a περιστερά doesn't like silly clouds around him" περιστερά, it mean's pigeon in Greek. It's what Thanatos calls Hermes to make him mad. Thanatos grabs the crown flower I had on my head that I forgot I had it on.

Thanatos looks at my eyes, he does so know that I hate when people look at my eyes for too long and I do hate to back down. Don't look down. I repeat myself over and over. Hermes breaks are starting contest "Thanatos you should leave before I call Zeus"

"What is the sex machine gonna do to me? Tell me to go to hell?" He roll his eyes at Hermes, and looked at my flower crown one last time before he made the flowers shatter. Then he puts it in my head, I didn't move a muscle. "Looks better" he replies.

"I'm being serious Than-" Hermes was cut off by Thanatos.

He let's a long sigh of frustration "Fine Fine I'll go, I would mess with you later Lux" he winks at me before disappearing in does dark clouds of his.

"We'll what a pleasant visit we had" Hermes sarcastically said beside we continue walking for my now late test I had to do before Apollo burns down everything because I'm late again.

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