Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The smell of rose and honey invades my senses and my eyes peak open. The curtains are open and the light of the moon casts light across the floor a lamp is turned on somewhere to my right.

"Oh good, you are awake. I did not want to wake you because you have had such a troublesome night, but it seems the tea woke you. That is good anyhow, the tea will help."

My eyes land on the owner of the deep, intriguing voice and a smile finds its way to my lips. I rub my eyes to find water pooled there. More tears, just what I need.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, considering, though I am sure these constant tears are going to kill me very soon."

"Come now, tears never did anyone any harm. The harm is in what happened to bring the tears. Now here, drink you will feel better. It will calm your mind and hide your worries, so you can sleep."

I take the cup from him and take a long draft from it. I hum as I feel it spread warmth all the way to my stomach. I feel myself let go and relax back against the headboard.

We sit in silence until I finish my tea. He picks up the tea tray and moves to leave.

Panic begins to set in, my vision darkens and becomes patchy as my breath comes out in pants. "No, please, do not leave me."

My turns to look at me then in a blur he is sitting next to me holding my face in his hands stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. "I will not leave you."

I nod my head, relief flooding me and reversing the effects of the panic. "Can you stay here with me tonight? I do not want to be alone."

He nods his head, "I will stay with you. I have fed and safe. Sleep I will keep you safe." He places his lips softly to my forehead.

I slide down and he pulls the covers farther over me.

"We will talk more when you wake."

'Wait, please call a nurse to send someone to my house to take care of my dad. I may hate him for not taking any responsibility, but he should still be looked after even if I will not do it anymore."

A knowing smile fits his mouth and a glint present in his eyes, "he is already being looked after by the Northern River homecare. I know you would want him safe, even after everything that happened. Now sleep."

I close my eyes and allow his presence to wash over me and help pull over my eyes and limbs.

My eyes crack open and I shift so the sun is no longer in my eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine. You look beautiful this morning." I find his hand in mine and squeeze it gently smiling.

"You really spent the whole night sitting next me while I slept?"

"You are the one who asked me not to leave. I promised you I would not. Any promise I make to you I fed very strangely about. No, promise I ever make to you will be broken if I can help it."

A laugh bubbles out of my mouth before I can stop it. "Sorry. That is so sweet and totally not something any modern boy or man would ever say or vow."

"Are you feeling well enough to go down for breakfast?"

"Yes, just allow me a few minutes to dress and I will be right down."

"Certainly, I will be waiting."

I find myself longing to going to work today, feeling even a little excited as I travel down the staircase to the dining room. I will get do see Sharron again. A work friend.

When I enter, there he is sitting at the table the char next to him already pulled away and saved for me. My heart leaps and my stomach seems to explode as though it has been blown up like a balloon. I look down to make sure that is not the case and slight relief floods me. I take a dee breath and approach him.

"You can have breakfast sent out now. Your guest of honour has finally arrived."

I catch the devilish grin just before it disappears. "What would my guest of honour enjoy doing today?"

"Actually, I was hoping you could take me back. I would very much like to go to work today and do something useful. Besides I have already promised I would be there."

"I thought you might want to stay for today and rest up from yesterday. You need to let your emotions settle and heal from your disappointment with your father."

"Well, I think being at work would help. I have always felt better after being at work. I feel I can be myself there and I have plenty of time to think, not to mention the tasks are not physically or mentally demanding in any way. I promise I will be fine. I may even seem better when you pick me up."

"And you really want this?"

"I really do."

"Then I must oblige."

The whole day I am unable to stop thinking of him, not for one moment. I find myself stopping having to take deep breaths to be able to concentrate. The way he makes me feel, the way he affects me is so very odd, but alluring nonetheless.

I also find myself deciding to forgive my father, he was not right. My mother broke him when she left the way she did. None of this was entirely his fault, it began with my mother. She was the one who could not stand telling my father how she really felt, instead she just up and left.

I told Sharron she could leave early, and I would take care of closing. I quickly finish up, excited about seeing Rowin again and going back to that wonderfully weird and historic castle? What do you call it? Maybe it is a castle, though it is big enough it be one.

I reach for the keys only to hear a knock behind me. I turn, and my heart skips a beat then climbs up my throat to continue beating.

He looks so intriguing and dangerous. Darkness suits him. I smile and hurry to let him in. He grabs my arms and gives me a lingering, spicy kiss on my cheek, "good evening, ma chérie. I sure hope you are ready to leave. We have big plans waiting for us back home, but only if we hurry. Or they will need to be postponed."

"I just need to lock the door."

"Good because I would truly hate to postpone our plans because I know you will really enjoy this."

"Wow, this is not cryptic in the slightest." My god I am feeling saucy. Maybe he just brings it out in me.

First Sin (Sin Series Book 1) *First Draft* EditingWhere stories live. Discover now