Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I pull out my phone and call. It rings several times before going to her voicemail. I text her:

Hey, I am so sorry about the not

answering. I got side-tracked badly.

Please text me back or call when you

get the chance. I am stopping by your place.

Only minutes later my phone dings with her text:

im home you have explaining to do

She was right, I knew she was I do not bother knocking I just walk in and shout.

She comes out of her room, still in her pjs. She works nights at the bar until five in the morning, so her schedule is different than mine. Her hands on her hips she stares at me, almost daring me to get to the explanation.

I am so sorry. I did not mean to blow you off completely. I have just had a lot on my mind. But there are no viable excuses for shutting out my best friend, accident or not, but I am really sorry.

She continues to stare me down, everything, but glaring at me. I stand silently feeling as though the eye of Sauron is on me, but I endure it because I know she is testing me.

"Well, I'm going to need more than just an apology, you know, that right?"

"Of course, almost unlimited favours and tons of secrets too. I promise the secrets will come soon, but only after I have figured them out myself. Is that a deal?"

She is quiet for what feels like a long time. Then a giant grin nearly splits her face in two. "Deal, babe. I never could stay mad at you no matter how much you pissed me off."

She grabs me into a bear hug. "And how lucky for me that you forgive me so easily because I have no idea what I would do without you. You are amazing, honestly, Brooke. What would I do without you?"

"Die of boredom probably. I keep your life interesting and more meaning then it had before. Not to mention that I keep you from completely falling apart. You wouldn't last long without me."

"That is probably true."

"So, when exactly will I be getting these secrets?"

"As soon as I know everything I need to to understand where my life is and where it is headed, I will reveal all my secrets and an explanation of everything will come along with them. I do not know exactly when that will be I am afraid, sorry."

"It's fine as long as you keep your promise to eventually involve me ad don't push me out of your loop completely."

"I promise," I check my phone. "Shit, hun, I have to get back to work, but I will see you later, tomorrow probably."

She wraps her arms around me and gives me a peck on the corner of my mouth, "I love you, babe. And I was mostly just afraid that you were leaving me and that would suck. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. You've stood by me through all my bad choices, my one-night stands, and through the worst version of me. I just wouldn't be me without you. You are my true love, I'll leave many others, but you will always stick even if they don't."

"And I will never leave you. And no matter who comes into my life, I will always love you the most."

"Okay, now go. I don't want you being late."

First Sin (Sin Series Book 1) *First Draft* EditingWhere stories live. Discover now