Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I stay hidden from sight still watching. The sound of her heart skittering, close to the penalty of death after my risqué words. I feared I would be under the penalty of killing a human. I only stayed to make sure that she was all right, but my old habits are dying hard.

I watch with great interest as she rights herself and looks around for me, the intense, intimidating stranger, but comes up empty before departing for her home. I follow her back to see that she gets back to safety without being harmed.

She stalls for a few moments at the door and I hear her talk to herself, but I shut myself out to it so as to allow her a little more privacy. It is a very good thing that I am unable to read her mind, if I could, she would never have any privacy.

She lets herself in and I turn to go but decide to stay in the case that my beautiful, magnificent, sweet, human, girl may need me. I hear the door crack loudly back into place in a way it has never been shut before.

I hear a great deal of ruckus that makes me slowly approach the house to see what is going on and ensure my precious, little, female human's life. Yelling ensues, and I am very surprised to find that I am still the only figure on the street after that. At least a small group of humans should have heard this noise, but I hear snoring in the houses on either side of the one my gentle, precious, human girl entered.

I move so quickly that I am at the front door in half a second. I feel very protective of my beautiful, mesmerizing, human woman. She needs my protection as much as I need to protect her.

I am about to rip the door open when I hear footsteps and banging from just inside the doorway. I make my escape and conceal myself only one second before my lovely, perfect, jewel reveals herself to the night. She [stalks] out the door and slams it shut behind her. She storms down the street towards the book-store and I follow her silently in the case that she [needs me]. Her heartrate is very erratic, and it is not from fear, no, that I would be able to smell even from these three blocks away. She is upset and may get herself into trouble that I will then need to get her out of.

Her high-heeled boots click against the pavement and it brings familiarity to our current situation, even if, just for a [little]. She walks as though confident, but her heart and her breathing, and the fact that she keeps looking around the street every few seconds lead me to believe that she is confused and scared. ( ) Which I am very sure that she would be, I am after the yelling and ruckus and her storming out of the man-(who believe to be her father)'s house. The conversation from inside the house was very confusing considering she had stated, perfectly clearly that she was caring for him and not the other way around. However, I still stand by my first conclusion.

She turns down the adjoining avenue, passes by the bookstore and hurries on. I instantly run to the avenue and watch as she makes her way down to the [hotels and motels and inns]. She stops abruptly, I sneak behind a dark lamppost and continue watching her.

She turns toward Albert's, which is right next to The Lonely Tavern, a very nice, old-fashioned, respectable hotel. She stops and walks a few feet to The Lonely Tavern. Before her boot has even touched the first step, two ugly, smelly, drunken men step out.

I can almost hear their thoughts the minute their eyes focus on her small, supple form. I shake my head, perfect, bloody perfect. No way are they laying a hand on my human woman.

I look to my beautiful, fragile, scared human, "lead them away, come my darling." I do not wish to violate her will, but she needs help making the correct decision right now. "I cannot help you unless you lead them away from here. It is too open, lead them somewhere secluded, preferably not well lit."


She turns from them and heads towards an alley. I can sense her anxiety at escaping these dangerous, drunken men. I can almost feel her fear radiating from her and I am very sure that if these men [cannot almost feel it then they are relying on the reality of the way of their bodies are built to scare her into a run they can chase down]. Like a fearful animal sensing that it is being hunted and the hunter anxious to get the chase on that will ensure the penalty of death. ( ) The way that she had come to a decision of what to do when I asked her to makes me wonder if she had somehow heard me, or could feel me and it brought her strength or made her feel safe.

At least she was smart and now I can save her life. I can be the man from the fairy tales, the man everyone loves, the brave hero for once.

First Sin (Sin Series Book 1) *First Draft* EditingWhere stories live. Discover now