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song: west district- party next door

"shit, i didnt think this plan through" oscar groaned. before monse could answer he continued "we're never gonna get latrelle to trust us. what do we do?" he asked. "i don't know, ugh" oscar closed his eyes trying to calm down. " i got an idea" monse said. as soon as she said this his eyes opened. " well get a taxi but we have to get it a few seconds after they leave, then we tell the driver to follow them. and when we see the destination we'll make him drop us off a block away." she stated. "holy shit you're a genius" oscar said. "monse laughed she never heard oscar say something like that before. after a few minutes the prophets left allowing oscar and monse to start the plan. they hopped in the taxi and followed the guys. when the guys walked into an old looking house they knew that's where jennifer had to be. they got dropped off a block away and then walked to the house. they walked to the side door that had stairs right before the door, knowing that's the basement. the door was left open and they walked right in. they seen jenni on the floor. she still haven't noticed they were there. but once she did her eyes filled with joy. he ran to her taking her out of the rope rapped around her. then sped out the house and ran towards the pizzeria.

lil mama (spooky diaz/ on my block)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن