Chapter Eighteen

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Mysterious noises of the night aside, nervous feelings mixed with excitement were starting to bubble in the pit of my stomach. I abandoned the idea of relaxing in the living room, taking my drink upstairs and deciding to get a head start in preparation for Edwards arrival.

I'm just on edge after that nightmare and I'm hearing things, I try to convince myself.

I attempted to be quite as I trudged towards the bathroom to use the shower. It was technically still the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake up Zac especially when he's found it so hard to sleep since the fire. It hurt me to see him in such pain, he has been nothing but kind towards me since coming here, he didn't deserve to be suffering like this.

I could picture mentally, the thick layer of smoke covering his lungs right now. It was no wonder why his breathing had become so labored and his coughs so violent.

After thoroughly washing, shaving, and drying myself I was left with putting on my pre-prepared outfit. I wore what I presumed to be the best outfit I owned. A beige turtleneck jumper with a white collared top underneath, tucked into high waisted light blue jeans and my faithful black boots which had been coated in mud from walking through the damp forests.

Looking into the mirror I was somewhat pleased with the overall outcome. My hair fell into its natural locks, framing my narrow face. Since getting back onto the human blood, I noticed my pale skin has gained some color, brightening up my complexion and making my dull brown eyes glint even in the darkness of my room.

With nothing left to do, I continued on with my book which occupied me before bed. In the back of my mind, while I read, I was alert, searching the house for any foreign sounds. Someone couldn't have really been in the house. I would have heard there breathing, their heartbeat or at least smelt them.

There was nothing, only the sound of wind moving at an unnatural speed.

I frowned deeper considering Damon at first then shaking my head at that thought. I would have defiantly smelt him, his musk is heady striking fear into my body the second he is near. Also, Damon would have done something, not just run about the house for a second and leave without making himself known.

If it wasn't theatrical, then it couldn't have been Damon.

So who was it?

The question lingered in my mind for hours, running through the possibilities then denying each one. Eventually, I had spent so much time dwelling on it, the sky had brightened up outside and it was nearly time for Edward to pick me up.

Readjusting and patting down my hair, I made my way downstairs. The pit of my stomach swarmed with butterflies of nervous excitement. It made the prospect of eating less appealing.

I decided to grab an apple just in case my stomach settled. Just as my fingertips hit the smooth fruit the metal knocker sounded.

Without thought, I was at the door and swinging it open before the hanger had time to fall back into place. There he stood, time seemed to stand still while I marveled in his presence. I missed him. Greedily I inhaled his scent, my body immediately relaxing.

"Hello," He mumbled amusedly, cracking a small smile.

"Hi," I grinned, then cringed at how breathy I sounded.

He looked over my body sending every nerve to stand on end. His smile grew impossibly wider when he reconnected with my eyes.

"We match," He mused, with a chuckle.

That's when I noticed we did in fact match. Edward had on a similar outfit to mine, same matching beige jumper, white collar shirt, blue jeans and of course work boots but his are pristinely polished.

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