Chapter eight

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The rain never settled, despite the music soothing me for a while, it soon became another annoyance. Leaving me tossing and turning and drifting in and out of sleep. I kept on hearing weird noises in the middle of the night that would startle me awake again. Having extra sensitive hearing wasn't always a plus side.

Drowsily I slung my legs out of bed, dragging myself towards the windows. Pulling the curtain back slightly I peak my head out only to groan and close it shut again. The rain from last night that settled on the ground has now frozen over thanks to the Arctic temperatures, leaving icy surfaces everywhere. 

Stefan was gone, taking his car with him leaving me without a ride to and from school. It wasn't that big of a deal, I'd get to school much quicker on foot, but it would surely raise some eyebrows to those who are more self-aware. Wrapping up warm in a black turtleneck and some jeans with my worn out chucks I decided I would just use the excuse of 'My uncle dropped me off around the corner'.

It seemed pretty plausible.

I walked down the grand staircase which made this house feel more like a small mansion than a house. The sound of sizzling oil and the smell of bacon has me drawn towards the kitchen. There I see Zac smiling and swaying, pushing the meat around in a pan. I inhale deeply letting my eyes flutter closed, unable to ignore the hypnotic smell of hot fresh blood in the air. My hunger suddenly peaks. I poke my tongue out feeling two sharp edges sliding across it. When I reopen my eyes, I'm standing behind Zacs shoulder.

Zac turns with the pan in hand only to jump back startled once he sees me, his heart is racing, eyes blown wide in fear. His reaction snapped me out of my crazed hunger filled mind, and I take an immediate step back ashamed of my behavior. I was just about to feed off of Zac like I had no control over my body, the predator took over and was ready to take down its prey, no matter the cost.

This hasn't happened to me before, not since my first few days into the transformation.

"Zac I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too, honestly. I would never harm you or anyone I promise-" I rambled on panicked that he would kick me out onto the street. 

"It's okay, Bella," Zac tried to tell me but it didn't seem genuine, and I was still freaking out over what could have been. 

I could have killed Stefan's only living relative. 

"I'm so, so sorry Zac, please don't think of me any differently, I-it won't happen again-"

"Bella, stop." He ordered, cutting me off.  "I have lived with the fact that vampires exist my whole life. But no matter how I feel about it, Stefan is family and deep down he is a good man, well better than Damon at least. I understand that it can be hard to control. Don't worry I know you would never really hurt someone," Zac explained, giving me a warm smile, but his speeding heart betrayed him. 

He was scared of me and who could blame him. I was a creature that could kill a human before they could even blink. I was so ashamed of myself, I wondered if I should even go to school today. Could I really put innocent lives at risk? What if the same thing happens at school? I'll never live it down if I hurt someone that did not deserve it.

But Elena, she could be in danger and I made a promise to Stefan to keep her safe. I can't just stand by and let Damon win in whatever cruel plan he has in store for Stefan.

"Thank you, Zac, for being understanding," I finally said once I calmed down a bit.

He took a deep breath, his heart rate slowing. "Anytime."

I flashed him a grateful smile, and walked toward the door at a human pace, grabbing my parka from the coat hook by the door. Slipping it on I left the house and felt the piercing feeling of the cold air pinching my skin. 

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