Chapter Thirteen

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Not a minute later Edward pulled up to an Italian restaurant called Bella Italia, the name itself seemed a bit too fitting to be a coincidental choice. He made me wait in the car again so he could open the car door for me. I thanked him shyly embarrassed with how flattered I was becoming to the outdated gesture. 

We walked up the stone staircase leading to the door entrance, which of course Edward held open for me to walk inside. The restaurant itself was large and dimly lit. Fake ivory cascaded the walls with white marble pillars placed sporadically around the room. With only a foot inside of the door, the hostess slid smoothly into our line of view, a young woman with bright blue eyes and a beautiful warm and welcoming smile. 

"Welcome to Bella Italia! I'm Alisha, I'll be your host for today," She greeted, overly happy. 

Her eyes scanned me for a second before moving over to Edward where they lingered for far too long. She was practically gaping at the man.

"Hello. Could we have a table for two, please?" Edward questioned, as polite as ever, flashing her a smile.

Did he mean to sound so alluring?

I almost felt bad for the girl as she struggled to speak or move. I knew the power that his smile had over people, it literally rendered them incapable of functioning with how dazzling it was. I often fell victim to it.

Alisha made a noise, somewhere along the lines of moaning and panting- with that, we were being escorted to a table. She took us amongst the throng of people to a simple two-seater table with a single candle lit in the center.

"Perhaps something a bit more, private," Edward suggested, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the flash of money being placed into her hand. 

Never in my life have I seen someone not only refuse a seat they were directed to in a restaurant but to pay said person off in order to get another seat was mindblowing. As if the chivalry wasn't enough to make Edward seem like he was from an old-fashioned movie, bartering with the host certainly ensured it.

She was stunned. "Of, course." 

Guiding us to a more secluding location, away from the customers, we took our seats across from one another in a small booth, decorated by red velvet and dark mahogany wood furnishings.

"Hows this?" She questioned before setting down our menus.

"Perfect," Edward told her, smiling, then turned his attention towards me.

Meanwhile, I watched as the poor girl tried to regain control of herself. I know, its hard Alisha, I thought to myself.

"Your server will be with you shortly," She informed us, well Edward, she hadn't batted an eyelash my way since she saw him. 

He nodded and with that, she stumbled away into the distance going into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes upon hearing her already talking to her fellow members of staff about Edward and his looks. Did they not see he was here with someone? Granted we aren't together and all, but when you see a girl and a guy alone in a restaurant isn't it presumed that there's something more going on.

"How are you feeling?" Edward asked, his eyes were focused intently on me. 

"Nervous," I answered honestly, folding my hands in my lap. 

He pursed his lips, allowing his forearms to rest on top of the table as he leaned ever so slightly towards me. 

"You can't deny what I saw tonight Bella, no more denial, I want only the truth now." He insisted. 

I looked down, unable to look into his eyes for too long of a period. Picking at my fingernails underneath the table I knew he was right, and that this conversation had to be made. It was bound to happen sooner or later now that I knew or thought I knew what he and his family were. 

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