Chapter Seven

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After playing a couple rounds of badminton in gym, Stefan and I decided an afternoon hunting trip sounded like a good idea. We didn't often hunt together much, and it was always my fault. I get very territorial when hunting. And Stefan gets very annoyed with my overeating habits. 

Once we changed back into our normal clothes, we exited out into the rain following the line of students making their way through the car park. My eyes couldn't help straying towards the Silver Volvo. Leaning against the front of the hood was none other than Edward Cullen himself. Our eyes connected, and for the first time since my transformation I tripped up on a rock, losing my balance. Stefan's hands reached out balancing me just in time before I could hit the floor.

"What was that?" Stefan asked, pulling me upright. He was as confused as I felt.

I looked at Stefan, my eyes widening slightly and lips parting. "I uh, just lost my footing," I explained. 

I could hear Edward laughing in the distance.

"That's not like you," He frowned, as we continued on toward the car.

"I know."

If I was on human blood there would be no doubt in my mind that my cheeks would be flushed with embarrassment. He actually made my trip up, something I haven't done in ages. This just proved the extremity of the effect he had on me.

We slid into the car, Stefan wasted no time in turning on the engine and pulling out with urgency. I watched through the windshield as the rest of Edwards siblings joined him, and began to enter the Volvo. But he didn't move his eyes followed our car, but it felt like they were following me. Or maybe that was just all in my head.

Stefan drove us down an off-road narrow path that leads deep into the forest, it seemed like a good starting point to go by foot. Hopping out of the car, the rain was light, but the air was still freezing cold. I can only pray that I don't wake up tomorrow and look out my window to see the ground covered with a thick layer of snow. 

That would be my personal hell.

"So you gonna explain whats going on between you and that Cullen kid?" Stefan questioned, as we began to walk forward into the overgrowth.

"What do you mean?" Stefan cocked his eyebrow giving me an expression that said 'Really? Like you don't know.' "I told you there's something wrong with the Cullens, I'm just trying to find out what that is exactly," I explained, absentmindedly searching the ground below me for nothing in particular. 

There was no response from Stefan, only a disbelieving smile thrown my way. "Seriously Stefan that's all it is." I insisted.

"You don't need to convince me. But maybe you should try convincing yourself," He hinted.

"It's not like that Stefan." I tried again to make him see sense.

He rolled his eyes, completely not buying it. "I've seen you every day looking towards the Cullens table. And today I saw why- you two couldn't keep your eyes off each other. Then you go and lose your balance because you were too busy pining after him again, I saw you Bella so don't even try to deny it," He cut me off when I opened my mouth to protest. "I think its cute, first boyfriend and all."

"He's not my boyfriend, I don't even like him," As I said the words aloud I knew they were a lie. I knew I felt something for Edward Cullen, at first it was just pure curiosity, but after speaking to him today, some human feelings I've never felt started to resurface. I feel even more drawn to him now than before, I didn't think that could be capable.

"Bella-" Stefan began his voice teasing and childlike.

"Nope. I am not having this conversation with you, Stefan. I'm happy for you and Elena, but not all of us have to be in a relationship to be happy okay," I pointed out. 

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