Chapter Two

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Thankfully, Stefan sat beside me for a few lessons and despite a couple awkward greetings from some male students nobody had really approached us. I never got approached by guys in my previous school, maybe human Bella wasn't good enough in their eyes. It's not like I've changed much physically, I guess I do look a bit more mature in my figure and my childlike round cheeks have become less pudgy and more chiseled, along with my round face now narrowing into a more oval shape. But the point is I still feel like the same boring brown haired, brown eyed, pale girl I was before. 

Lunchtime rolled around with the bell tolling so obnoxiously loud it left a ringing sensation in my ears for a few seconds after it ended. Something I'd have to get used to I guess, just like I'd have to get used to this mondaine routine for the second time in my life. 


"Mhmm?" He hummed a response back to me, his focus seems to be elsewhere as we entered the cafeteria, which was full with the entire three hundred and nineteen student body. 

"How long are we planning on staying here in Forks?" I questioned, not bothering to hide the desperation in my voice. 

"We just got here Bella," He said with a slight chuckle, joining the end of the lunchline.

I followed behind him, copying his every action like I was learning how to be a highschooler all over again. "I know, its just I don't want to get comfortable here if were just going to be moving on in a couple of weeks," I explain.

That was a small part of the truth, the reality was I already hated high school and the few lessons I'd had today didn't make me change my opinion. Not to mention my hunger kept on spiking at random moments, like when someone walked past I would get the sudden urge to lunge at them and sink my fangs into there skin, even the teachers fell victim to my hunger fantasies during classes.

"I'm not sure yet, but you know you can leave whenever you want Bella. I'm not holding you here against you will,"  

"I know, I know. But I want to be here," I lied. In all honesty, I don't know what I would do without Stefan by my side, he's all I've got.

"I appreciate it, Bella, thank you." He told me, patting my shoulder, then continuing on to load up his tray with food. 

I follow along knowing I won't be eating a lot of the food anyway. Being on an animal diet my body doesn't function as well as it could, I can still eat human food and do all the same functions a human does, but it does take a toll on my body, and after a while, I just start feeling sick. I don't know how Stefan has managed to do it for so long, it just proves his willpower is stronger than mine.

We paid the dinner lady and with our trays full, swiftly glided through the crowd with ease to an empty table near the center of the room. Not the best place to stay out of peoples line of sight, but it was the only free space available. 

I bit into a pizza slice, not the best pizza in the world, but I'd certainly had worse. While I chewed the empty seats at our table suddenly were being filled by three girls and one of which I recognized as the girl Stefan bumped into, the others I couldn't remember seeing yet today. A boy followed sitting in the seat next to me and to my dismay I recognized him to be one of the boys who had approached me. 

His hair was cropped, a mess of ash blonde spikes that matched his baby blue eyes perfectly. His skin fair which I found comforting that the entire student body seemed to be on the same level of paleness as myself, and his features very round, childlike and boyish. He seemed like a nice enough guy, maybe even on the overly friendly side. LikeI said I wasn't used to boys paying much attention to me.

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