Chapter 15: Reliving Pasts

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Edward and Carlisle were facing off in a study I recognized immediately as my father's. Both showed varying levels of distress and anguish. The light in the window was dim, indicating that this was happening in the afternoon, or at least, I suspected that. The visions of future events were often hard to pinpoint.

"She needs to go, Edward!" Carlisle was trying to convince Edward, his voice soothing, and though I could not hear it, I would assume that his mental voice was calming, too.

"She says she needs to! There's a difference!" hissed Edward, rubbing his face with his hands, frowning with frustration." The danger she would face..." His voice trailed off, obviously distressed beyond words at this point.

"Though you think otherwise, you know as well as I do that she can take care of herself," argued Carlisle. "Bella needs to go to Italy, Edward. I would not stop her. Go along with her; don't cause further discord with your stubbornness. Support her!" Carlisle's voice was strong, but with a pleading undertone, his need for Edward to understand clear to see.

"I'm being the stubborn one?" crowed Edward angrily. "She could well be heading into a deadly trap! How could you, or anyone else for that matter, expect me to support such an endeavor?"

With a mild jolt of surprise, I saw myself enter the room, and say in an authoritative tone, "You are going to support her. In fact, you're going to do more than that. You're going to go with her." Seeing myself thrusting out two tickets towards the boys wasn't disorientating in the slightest. My hard expression had me a little more worried though. As my eyes trained on the tiny print, I saw that the tickets were plane tickets to Italy.

"Sophia and Corrin have already got their tickets, so hurry up and pack your bags. Keep it light – you won't be there long," I ordered Edward, before quickly making my way out of the room. Before I left, I turned my head to say one last thing.

"Look inside of you. What does your heart say?" Everything then faded to black.

What the hell was that?

Like a film playing in my mind, I saw the story play out with perfect clarity, the actors on screen working in sync to get to the ending. But of late, my endings were cut off, not to mention the occasional introduction, a downside to Bella and her family's presence. My once clear visions were reduced to flickery scenes, short and confusing. So I was left with only parts of the information, not really seeing the whole picture.

Yet, through years of trial and error, I knew better than to ignore a warning like this. Without much thought on my part, my hands were already working away furiously at the computer in front of me, and I slowly registered that I was making online bookings for a flight to Italy, scheduled for later this night.

Though it may have seemed strange to some, it was not out of the norm for my body to instinctively make plans in accordance to the future. After working with such a gift for so many years, there were some things I did as if it were second nature, instinctual almost.

And my instincts were telling me to keep this news quiet. So I planned on doing so.

But I still felt unsettled. Which was understandable after seeing such a conflicting vision. Why would Bella need to go to Italy? And what supposed danger lay ahead for her?

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