Chapter 5: Stormy Night

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The rest of the school week had been quite enjoyable. I was no longer alone in my English and Biology classes; I always had someone friendly to talk to. I kept the relationship between Edward and I as friendly as possible. It wouldn't be wise for me to pursue anything more.

Sometimes it was harder than others. Like when I heard him talk so passionately about his music, or when he joked around with his brothers. Actually, who was I kidding? It was hard all the time, and it was progressively getting harder.

My façade, however, was flawless. Heartbeat, expression, breathing pattern, all were in check around Edward and his coven. The only tell tale sign were the blushes. Usually they happened when Edward caught me in gym, or anywhere else when I was inherently clumsy.

Pretty much everywhere, actually.

I wasn't sure how much of it was my natural clumsiness at a human pace, and how much was due to the fact I liked Edward's arms wrapped around me. Probably more of the latter.

It was getting more and more difficult to keep the concept of them being vampires in my mind. Sometimes, when we talked and joked around, they seemed almost human.

Lunchtimes interchanged between me sitting at the Cullen's table, or sitting with Angela and Ben.

The two clueless lovebirds really needed a helping hand. They were too shy for their own good. I kept dropping hints to Ben to ask Angela out.

Although I liked sitting with them, the others at the table were incredibly annoying. Jessica had quizzed me endlessly on the Cullens as I was "in" with them. I always just repeated the well-known facts about them and refused to divulge any more personal information.

Tyler was continuously winking at me and making sexual innuendos. I wanted to give him the same treatment I had given Mike when he got a little fresh with me. Luckily for him, I had enough self-control. But I guess I could always slip…

Speaking of Mike, he seemed very sullen and ignored me as much as possible. Which, of course, was fine with me. Lauren seemed unhappy as usual. I just brushed it off – it was no chip off my shoulder.

In comparison, the Cullen table was very enjoyable. I seemed to have quite a bit in common with all of them. Alice was going out of her mind with excitement at the upcoming "girls' day out" this Saturday. Angela was invited as well, and it seemed like a good time for us to bond as a group.

Today was Friday, and I was currently laughing at a rude joke Emmett had just told me. His mind was always in the gutter, I swear.

A light tapping on my shoulder alerted me to the presence of Angela. She'd sat with the Cullens once, and enjoyed the experience, but preferred to get more acquainted with Ben.

She didn't even attempt to deny her crush on Ben nowadays. She and Ben were getting incredibly close and it wouldn't be long until one of them asked the other out.

"Bella, I need to talk to you!" She was practically squeaking with excitement, her face alight with happiness. I had a pretty good idea of what may have happened to cause such happiness from Angela.

After saying my goodbyes to the Cullens, I walked with Angela outside into the courtyard. I was getting impatient with her; I wished she would just spit it out already...

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