Chapter 8: School Reunion

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Staring at the computer screen as it loaded up, I was wringing my hands nervously, a million different scenarios running through my mind. After last night and a very important phone call this morning, I knew it was definitely time for me to tell Corrin and Sophia about the coven of vampires living a few minutes away from me.

Just after I was done eating my cereal, Corrin called with surprise news that he was going to come and visit me in a couple of days. Thank God for the prior warning because I was able to convince them to postpone the trip several days and for them to talk to me over the Internet and the web-cam first. Although confused, they were fairly compliant.

I knew that they were probably already online waiting for me, and I wondered what the hell I was going to say. Edward complicated things; before, if my family was disapproving of my closeness to such a big vampire coven, I would have moved on without too much argument. But now, after last night, I knew I would put up a hell of a fight before I would even consider leaving Edward. Mentally, I was arguing; was it worth it to start such a fight with my family? However, the computer finished loading, and Corrin and Sophia were looking happily at me, their brown eyes sparkling as they finally saw me on screen. Seeing their faces created a barrage of emotions within me and I realized just how much I missed them.

Sighing, I immediately decided that some pleasantries would stall things long enough for me to collect my thoughts. Forcing myself to smile brightly, I greeted them with a warm hello. They returned the gesture just as cheerfully. It was great to see their faces again after so long. Mentally, I made a note that we should to do this more often. Sophia wasn't too keen on technology, especially computers, but I thought I might be able to sway her.

Slightly concerned, Corrin asked, "What's wrong Bella? You sounded pretty nervous on the phone earlier."

Nodding, I gulped before continuing, "Yeah, there's something pretty important I need to tell you both. But before I do that, I need you to promise to let me talk and explain everything." I looked at them with a serious expression, and after they exchanged a brief glance of confusion, they slowly nodded my way.

Rubbing the back of my neck and desperately looking anywhere but at them, I said in what I hoped was a soothing voice, "Well, I have these neighbours, and I've become really good friends with them. They're really nice, and I've bonded with them nicely as a group. Angela likes them too. Downside is–well actually, it could be considered an upside, depending on how you view things–anyway… they're vampires."

There was a moment of stunned silence before all hell broke loose. Their concerned, condescending, and worrying tones melded together until nothing was discernable. Irritated beyond belief, I grabbed the reed whistle dangling around my neck and blew hard. The resulting noise was one that dogs would need to strain to hear, but it pierced our ears like a foghorn. I blew and blew until silence ensued.

After they fell silent, I held a finger up, and said slowly, "Y'all quieten down. We need some ground rules: one question at a time, and no interrupting, okay?" Rolling their eyes, they nodded. Corrin went first. He sounded angry and slightly worried.

"Why in the world did you not tell us the second you knew? Do you want to get hurt?" Already, he had broken a rule by asking two questions, but I knew that I had better let it slide; his current state didn't seem to radiate a joking atmosphere.

Sighing, I slowly explained, "Well, if I told you, there was a 99.99% chance you would have taken me out of Forks right away, and I wanted to stay for Angela's sake. By the way, her grandmother is recovering, but still fragile. Anyway, it's not like I can't take care of myself." To emphasise my point, I burst my hand into a ball of blazing red flames. Once they snuffed out, I started talking again. "They know mostly nothing about us or our past. Some snippets I've let loose, mostly accidental. I think they know I'm different, not human, but I don't think they know that for sure yet." Still unsatisfied, Corrin interrogated me again.

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