Chapter 6: English Alba

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I looked up at the cloudy sky, revelling in the beauty of every individual snowflake falling past my face. Stretching slowly, I put my arms behind my head and used them as a makeshift pillow. The gathering snow around my body was melting due to my body heat, and I felt the dampness beginning to seep into my cardigan. But it didn't matter. I was in my rocky clearing all by myself, and I had all the time in the world to contemplate the thoughts swirling around my head.

Originally my purpose here was to fire bend, but I didn't really want to melt all this fluffy snow and make it freeze over again as ice. So instead I took to making snow angels and building snowmen. Currently, I was lying in a snow angel that resembled nothing as my heat was melting away its outline.

Today was Friday and thanks to the snow, school was cancelled for the day. I had hoped the dance would be called off too, but the weather forecast predicted the snow would end during late afternoon, and the school took that information to heart. If they called off the dance, not only would they have to repay every student's ticket, but they would also lose money as they have already paid for food and entertainment. The dance was not an event I wanted to attend, but Angela and Alice gave me one of the biggest guilt trips I have ever experienced. They double-teamed me, and I couldn't say no.

Lucky for my usual stubbornness, I was able to convince them both that I was capable of dressing myself. There was a good chance that Alice wanted to use me as her life-sized doll, and I was having none of that. Already I knew what I was going to wear, and I wasn't going to have Alice change that for me. My gut said that the night was likely to be a bust for me as I was dateless, which would surely attract a lot of guys asking for dances and such. I wanted none of that attention.

The week following the sleepover came with a handful of suitors asking for my hand. Most of them were nice enough, but I didn't want to go with them. So, I politely turned them down. I think that I was still subconsciously holding out for Edward, but I highly doubted that he was ever going to ask me. There were times during the week, which he opened his mouth and looked very nervous, but then he seemed to snap out of it, and conversation would flow easily again.

Either he wanted to ask me out to the dance or it was just my imagination gone wild. I was leaning towards my pessimistic side. Edward probably felt no more than friendship towards me. Pulling my music player out of my pocket and inserting my headphones, I contemplated my future.

Inevitably, I would either move away from the Cullen's or spill the beans on what I am. Everything would depend on what my brother and sister-in-law thought about the situation. So far, all evidence shows that they seem trustworthy enough, but two weeks isn't that long in the eyes of an immortal, where months and years can pass us by in the blink of an eye. Yet, I felt comforted in their presence, and I clicked with them as individuals very well.

Esme and I talked about decorating, Jasper and I argued about history. Emmett made the funniest jokes, and Alice and I spoke about clothes. Carlisle, in the few moments he is home when I visit, liked to talk medicine with me. Although he may not know it, I have two medical degrees. I pretended to be a novice, but I loved surprising him by occasionally spouting out something that someone my age shouldn't know. His face was always shocked and slightly amused.

Rosalie has been much, much warmer to me lately, I wouldn't call us the best-of-friends but she found my presence tolerable as I found that we had cars, and surprisingly enough, fighting techniques as common ground to talk about. I'm not as passionate as her about the motor vehicles, but she seems to like to have a girl to talk about the subject with.

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