Chapter 4: Sunny Day

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I woke up screaming. Again. Thanking the foresight I had had to soundproof my room, I stumbled out of bed in order to occupy my mind from the nightmare.

Wandering around the house, I finally settled on going on my laptop.

Checking my e-mails, I deleted a lot of junk before coming across a message from Corrin!

Opening it, I saw several photographs of Corrin and his wife, Sophia, standing or posing in front of famous monuments. The images of their smiles made me smile in return. They visited many places as they tried to find Annalie.

Sophia was the only other hybrid that we knew who wasn't related to us by blood. We were in South America at the time, and we accidentally encountered one another.

When we first met Sophia, she was already on an all-animal diet. Her guilty conscience in killing her mother made her never stray too close to killing another human.

I could remember the day we met as though it were yesterday…


"Corrin! Hurry up, or I'll have your panther for you!" I scolded as I watched Corrin play with his food. It was a bad habit he had. Sometimes I had to intervene and put the creature out of its misery.

He was circling the large cat, which was hissing and clawing at him, making large tears in his jacket. Finally, Corrin got bored and pounced.

The gurgling sound soon drowned out the cries of the panther. I sighed. It still hurt me a bit to kill any sentient creature or let one be killed in my presence. I wondered if she had cubs, and if we killed them by killing their mum. I knew what it was like to lose a parent.

Corrin interrupted my depressing thoughts as he stood up. Wiping the blood off his face, he laughed out, "That was brilliant! Bella, come on and lighten up! I only brought you to South America to get a smile on your face."

I slowly turned to him and when I saw what he looked like, I couldn't help myself but laugh. His dirty brown curls were matted with blood, mud and some sticks. The clothes he wore to highlight his lean, yet muscled, physique, was entirely shredded and covered in muck.

To a human, this would be a terrifying image. It probably would be one to me, if it was not for the stupid lopsided grin he had plastered on his face.

Usually I was the messy eater, but he was just ridiculous. He grinned hugely as he saw my reaction, and his brown eyes lit up.

"There you go! If you don't smile enough, you're going to die young," he joked.

Before I could reply with a witty remark, a loud crashing noise brought to our attention the existence of another person.

We immediately moved into a defensive crouch. My breathing sped up as I thought it was Annalie coming to get me. It was only a few days since I recovered from the last bite she gave me.

It was a surprise when a lithe dark skinned hybrid smashed through the trees. Her physical appearance gave the feel of a human, but her obvious strength pointed to another half immortal – like us.

She had straight, waist long hair as black as ebony and brown eyes that matched the colour Corrin and I inherited from our dad, Charlie. Her frame was skinny, but looked healthy. She was quite pretty.

Crescent MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora