Chapter 2: Falling Over

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I woke up sweating and panting. The dream I had just awoken from was incredibly vivid. I bolted to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face in an effort to calm myself down.

I wished for what seemed like the billionth time that sleeping pills could work on me. My metabolism and immune system metabolised the drugs before they took any effect.

Glancing at my alarm clock, I saw I once again awoke too early. Four o'clock. I nearly screamed in frustration.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Angela was already up. It was surprising, as she usually slept until seven in the morning. She was nursing a cup of coffee, and looked very tired.

"What's up?" I asked as I took my own mug of coffee. Caffeine didn't wake me up, but I liked the feeling of something hot sliding down my throat. It was the heat of the drink more than anything else that woke me up.

She moaned and said in a raspy voice, "Ugh, I had the worst night's sleep last night. I think my dreams featured the bogeyman and a headless chicken."

I laughed and said, "Those would be an improvement on my dreams." I winced as I remembered what I had dreamt last night.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come off as inconsiderate or anything. I didn't mean to..." Angela immediately apologized. She was always so nice, I couldn't see why she doubted herself so badly.

Angela was amazing. It was hard for me to believe my luck, meeting her at the boarding school in Alaska. Not only was she kind, but also, she was utterly selfless, dropping everything she had in Alaska to come to dreary Forks and care for her grandmother. If she weren't eighteen, her parents would have stopped her. But she was strong and demanded that a family member cared for her grandmother instead of some nurse. In the end they compromised, letting her come here with a friend to look after her. I tagged along to keep her company and to help with her deal. It wasn't hard seeing as I was fairly well off and that I had "permission" from Corrin. At times it was great having my brother as my legal guardian.

I waved off her apologies with my hand. "Don't worry about it. Tell me about it. It sounds funny."

She scowled at me. "It wasn't funny! It was really scary at the time," she explained. "I was running from the bogeyman, yet no matter how hard or fast I tried, I wasn't moving. The headless chicken was definitely there somewhere, but I can't remember much, it's getting blurry."

I considered this. My dreams were always as clear as a picture. Remembering them wasn't hard. Probably due to the fact my mind is part-vampire. Hmm, I idly wondered what it would be like to dream of random stuff. It'd be an improvement to what I suffer through most nights.

We joked quietly about random things until the light from the rising sun that beamed through the windows reminded us to get a move on for school. Angela cleared her throat.

"I think I'll visit my grandmother after school again..." she trailed off before looking at me.

"I'll be fine walking. I'm sorry I can't visit her with you though." I visited her a few months ago with Angela and she all but physically attacked me.

"Don't be," Angela hurriedly assured me. "It's not your fault she has some misplaced notion that you're a demon sent from the underworld." She concluded with a nervous giggle.

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