Chapter 1: First Day

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The cool glass against my forehead felt good. Feigning sleep, I shifted gently in the passenger seat of this decrepit vehicle. I prayed silently in my head, hoping I didn't accidentally dent the metal of the car door. It wouldn't be too good for Angela if I made a mark on her car.


She had to move to take care of her grandmother who was critically ill in hospital. Angela's parents were too busy, so she decided that she would care for her grandmother herself. And I came along to give her some company.

My best human friend, in who knows how long. She was my one and only reason for going to this depressing little backwater town of Forks. I even thought the words in distaste.

I sighed internally. I really shouldn't be getting so attached to any human. They were fragile. Temporary. But I really couldn't help it. Angela Weber was one of the nicest, purest people I've met in a century.

And I was darkening her soul with my inhuman presence. I truly loathed myself sometimes. Reasoning, I thought, I'm only half-evil. Half vampire. Half human. I chuckled darkly in my head.

"Are you awake sleepy-head?" Angela's voice broke through my thoughts. Whoops, I must have laughed out loud.

"Nah, I'm sleep talking," I mumbled sleepily.

She laughed at that and replied, "You should get some more sleep. We have a few more hours to drive before we get there. You sound like death."

I giggled in response to her comment. I am death. I kill wherever I go. Sure, they're animals I kill, but I feel guilty nonetheless. Not that I would ever consider killing a human instead of an animal. Humans didn't smell good to me for some reason. It's probably due to a birth defect. My sister…

I groaned. My sister. Annalie. Even thinking her name brought back all kinds of bad memories. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. I chanted silently over and over again in my head.

Shifting again, attempting to prop my body into a more comfortable position, I leaned against the headrest and closed my eyes. I begged my mind not to dream. I never dream anymore. I have nightmares of memories past.

My eyelids drooped, and I thought I heard Angela mumble something before I went under …

~Flashback / Dream~

"Annalie, come here!" I was yelling and giggling simultaneously.

"Got to come and catch me!" I heard her singsong voice tinkling over from my right. I had to go and get her.

"Ooh, Bella, are you going to catch me?" I heard her taunt. Now her voice was to my left. She was fast.

But I was faster.

I caught her around the middle, and sent us both tumbling down the hill. We were laughing hysterically, and I quickly began poking her in the ribs, yelling, "I got you, I got you!"

Annalie recovered quickly and pouted, "I hate being up for tag."

"Well, those are the breaks," responded a gruff voice from behind us.

We both turned our heads so quickly I swear I heard a crack. It was Corrin!

"Corrin, Corrin, Corrin! I thought you wouldn't be back from hunting until the day after tomorrow!" I ran and hugged him tightly with Annalie was close behind me, and the force made us all fall down.

"Bella, Annalie," he was chuckling as he gently removed us, "I know I'm your older brother, but you two combined make for one hell of a tackle!"

Annalie and I were talking and joking around with Corrin, until a shriek pierced the air. It sounded like mom …

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