Chapter 11: Text Message

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Looking down at my plate, trying to hide my telltale blush from Sophia's earlier comments, I scowled down at the large surplus of peas on my plate. Looking up I saw Corrin doing the same intense surveying to the minute mountain of carrots on his plate. When he looked up, we shared a knowing glance and swapped vegetables. The swap brought out a grin from the both of us; I hated peas and he absolutely detested carrots. We had a good system going.

"What are you two doing?" asked Edward, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Rolling my eyes, I answered, "Exchanging vegetables." My tone implied that this was the most obvious thing in the world, but Edward was still confused, but now it was more bemused than anything else.

"But why?" he pushed doggedly for more information.

"I don't like peas, and Corrin doesn't like carrots," again, I replied in a voice clearly saying it was meant to be obvious, and in a way it was. But I could tell Edward was getting a little agitated.

"Then why put them on your plate in the first place?" he countered.

Sighing, I looked at Sophia pointedly and said, "She wants us to eat a wide variety of vegetables, and she thinks that putting them on our plate will convince Corrin and me to eat it. For someone so smart, she just doesn't get it."

Sophia laughed and replied light-heartedly, "Soon enough, you'll like peas, mark my words, my mind games will work on you."

"You could be trying for several decades and my opinion will never change," I retorted stubbornly, my chin stuck out in a defiant gesture. My comment was actually an inside joke; Sophia had actually been trying try for half a century, but to no avail on her part. "Corrin and I are just too stubborn," I concluded with a smirk.

"You make it sound like a good thing," muttered Emmett under his breath with a smile.

"Well sometimes stubbornness pays off!" commented Corrin loudly. "If it were not for that, Bella never would have gone skydiving with me!"

"You went skydiving Bella?" Emmett asked excitedly, a childish glint of amusement sparkling in his eyes.

"Oh you told me about this," inserted Angela. "Didn't Corrin insult you or something and that set you off?"

Scoffing, I cried out in an overly dramatic voice, "It was more than a mere insult; he placed my whole honour at stake!"

"What did he say?" Alice asked, not unkindly.

"He said I didn't have the guts to jump out of a plane flying a couple thousand feet above the ground. I proved him wrong that very day," I said smugly.

My mind briefly transported me back to that day and I remembered the pure exhilaration I experienced from that leap, the wind blowing trough my hair and the resistance my body gave to gravity. It was indescribable the way my stomach plummeted and my heart leapt into my throat. The blood pounding in my ears and the smile that graced my features, it was all so amazing.

Maybe I should do it again.

I had lived for more years than was natural, yet I had not done everything I had ever wanted. A prime example would be me climbing Mount Everest and K2. Sometimes I wondered how humans could cope. Their lives were so pitifully short, yet somehow, fulfilling.

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