Chapter 27 -Battle of Blackrose

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"Sanguis Silence is here, Alpha Blackrose." Romain informs me, and I stiffen.

"Have everyone hold their positions, Gamma Cavalier." I exclaim, while Callum and Eva maintain their positions in the shadows. 

I have been planning and training for this day for months, me and my warriors pushing ourselves to the limits to destroy this pathetic attempt at a pack domination. With my mate, my Beta and Gamma, and three other packs fighting by my side...there is no way in hell this mutt is taking what's mine.

The sight of a man clearing the shadows attracts my attention, and I suppress my wolfs growl as I recognize his face.

"Alpha Devlin, I presume." I hiss.

"The infamous Alpha Blackrose. My, my, it's a not-so-pleasure to finally meet you."

"The feeling is quite mutual - trust me.  What are you doing trespassing on my territory?"

"Pack domination." He stated matter-of-factly - like he had not a care in the world.

"And how might you accomplish that?" I question.

"Starts with taking over your pack after we win the war." He replies with a smirk, how I so will love wiping it off his face.

"You and what army?" I laugh, continuing to pretend like I am ignorant to his plans.

"Sanguis Silence and Crimson Edge."

I laugh hysterically at his unawareness while my mate comes to stand by my side, the extra warmth radiating from his body provides some extra reassurance that I truthfully need. As confident as I appear for the sake of my pack, I have some nervousness about the battle...any wolf would.

"Raphael Jones, did Scarlett stoop so low as to pick up Simone's scraps?" Alpha Devlin cruelly jokes, and with that comment I let out a loud, ferocious roar. My body shaking with anger, I would've shifted right then if Raph hadn't curled his hand around mine.

~Easy Rosa, save your strength for the real fight.~ He murmurs softly, and I squeeze his hand back.

"He's not Beta LeClair's scraps - he's my mate, and if you continue to insult my mate you will leave me no choice - " I growl back, but Alpha Devlin interrupts.

"Choice at what? You're outnumbered!" He sneered full of confidence - he doesn't know he shouldn't have.

A young she wolf appears from behind Alpha Cyrus, staring at my mate with confliction and a hint of betrayal.

"You would stand beside her instead of the pack you were born in? You would betray us...and me?" It clicks, she's Beta Simone LeClaire...Raph's first mate.

"You made your choice Simone, and I made mine. You decided being a Purist was more important than being with your mate." Raph says tersely, and I smirk inwardly at her unhappy expression. You had your chance and wasted it...he's mine now.

I give Eva the signal to step forward.

"Oh...a Gray on your side - do you think that will help?" But I see Alpha Devlin pale ever so slightly.

"If I'm here Alpha Devlin, do you think my father is too far behind?" Eva inquires.

"So? Silver Tide Pack doesn't scare me." He comments boldly.

"Do you know who my mate is?" She replies with a raised eyebrow, an expectant note in her tone.

"Yes silly girl, he rejected you."

"Not that one, my second chance mate."

"Didn't know you had one."

"You're intelligence sucks ass then Alpha Devlin." I chuckle at her choice of words, and watch as she motions for Callum to step out.

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