Chapter 1

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     "Emberly, it's time to get up. I need to take your vitals." I groan at the familiar voice. I roll onto my other side, pulling the covers over my head, trying to avoid the inevitable.

     "Go away." I grumble, my voice heavy with sleep. I hear a smooth chuckle above me.

     "Do I need to carry you?" Suddenly, I'm wide awake.

     "Don't you dare." I sit up and rub the exhaustion from my eyes. Dr. Purdy gently grabs my arm and leads me from my room to the vitals station. He sits me down in the chair, my hospital issued scrubs are wrinkled from sleep. He connects the blood pressure cuff around my left arm and attaches the heart rate clamp to my right pointer finger. He sticks the thermometer under my tongue, then he presses a button and the cuff begins to tighten. I stare out the window.

It's only 5:30 am, so the outside world is still dark. The monitor beeps and he takes everything back.

     "Hmmmm." His tone sets red flags off in my head.

     "Is there something wrong, Dr. Purdy?" I want to know.

     "You're temperature is at 103.1. Are you feeling alright?" He puts on his stethoscope and listens to my heart and lungs.

     "I do feel kinda weak. I just figured it was exhaustion." I tell him as he helps me stand.

     "Still not sleeping well?" He inquires. I shake my head he makes a note in my chart. "Okay. You should go get some more rest. There's a new doctor taking over your care today. We'll be in to check on you in a bit. Be careful going back to your room." I nod and slowly make my way down the hall back towards my room, leaning on the wall for support.

I see someone walk in through the only door off the ward. He's tall and has bright blue eyes. He's wearing navy scrubs. He meets my eyes and I drop my gaze, redirecting my eyes to my door. I take another step and the dizziness hits me out of nowhere. The hallway sways and my eyes roll back. My legs give out and I'm falling.

I hear a deep voice yell for help and feel someone catch me before I hit the floor. The blackness consumes my vision and I drift off.

In the End (Andy Biersack FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon