"Huh? You are not?" Shisui blinked then sheepishly laughed when he received a blank stare from Fon.

"Right. Sorry," Shisui then put his hand on top of Fon's and the Uchiha immediately widened his eyes in surprise when a staircase became visible in front of them.

"Wha-?! Since when?" Shisui gapped.

"Hmm... It's been here since the beginning. But only Sakuya-chan herself and us, spirits from the past could see and enter. Other than us, none are able to, thus getting lost in the forest unless one of us guided you there," Fon explained, walking forward as he led Shisui through the stairs.

When Fon felt Shisui was about to release his hand, "oh, and don't let go of my hand before you reach up there, otherwise, you will be thrown back to the location where you first entered this mindscape," Fon said with a smile, looking at Shisui from his shoulder. "Of course, I won't stop you if you were to go back now."

Shisui's hold on Fon's hand tightened immediately. "Are there any more I need to know before I see Sakuya-chan?" He asked with a sigh, wondering if there was another thing that could lead him to be kicked out.

"Yes. Please don't be too surprised and make loud noises when you saw her because she will be in a form of her previous life," Fon replied and the Uchiha blinked at the reply.

"Huh? Form? But I thought the form of ourselves in our mindscape was taken from how we perceive ourselves-wait... Does that mean Sakuya-chan actually...?!" Shisui widened his eyes at the conclusion he reached.

"You are correct," Fon nodded. "It was because she possessed the memory of her previous life that she saw herself in her previous form," he confirmed.

"Not that I am going to dislike her or anything, but is that the reason why she could do anything easily, even in her first try?" Shisui asked.

"I believe so," Fon nodded. "But I also believe it was due to the capabilities she inherited from your clan. After all, she only possessed small pieces rather than her whole memories." The last part was a lie but Shisui didn't know nor he needed to know that.

"Uchiha blood, huh..." Shisui hmm-ed, immediately widened his eyes when his eyes landed on a familiar shrine when the shrine was in sight.

"Na-Naka Shrine?" Shisui gapped. "Bu-but how?! Sakuya-chan hasn't been to the shrine yet! Maybe the river but not the shrine!" He exclaimed as he flailed his hands around.

Fon was silent for a moment before he asked, "is Naka shrine really looks like this?"

"Yes... It-it's the same actually, except for the sun and moon symbol that for some reason looked awfully familiar, Naka Shrine's is Uchiha clan symbol." Shisui stared at the shrine, dumbfounded. 'Does that mean Sakuya-chan's previous life had a connection with the Uchiha?!' He inwardly screamed.

 'Does that mean Sakuya-chan's previous life had a connection with the Uchiha?!' He inwardly screamed

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(AN: Okay. I know it's different from the picture I used on chapter "Visitation" but please assume they are the same *sweatdrop*)

Fon blinked in surprise. He could even feel Reborn and Viper's surprised and they were still in the trees. Namimori was actually built within Uchiha's land, and by extension, the Leaf village?

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