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This chapter is short.

Chapter 11

- A lot of thoughts raced through my mind at that moment. I was fighting back and forth with myself.

Wasn't the door closed? Yes, but it wasn't locked. How did we not hear when it opened? Because, we were so engrossed in our conversation. Nika heard us! I don't know. She probably was just there out of jealousy and wasn't listening to us? I don't know!!! Suppose she heard everything?! How long had she been there for?! I DONT KNOOOW!!!!!!

I started to panic.

"What?" Ciré questioned, barely turning his head to look at me.

He must have heard me when I mumbled Nika's name.

I turned to him swiftly, fear clouding my eyes.

"Nika, Ciré. She heard- well, I don't know, but she was there. By the door a minute ago." I rambled and I watched his eyebrows knit together, forming a frown line on his forehead.

He seemed to not understand. Was I speaking too fast?

I breathed in, "Nika. She was by the door. It was open."

"Fuck!" He snapped then grabbed my hand.

He rushed out the door, pulling me with him and ignoring all the stares, mostly at our conjoined hands.

"Which direction did she go?" He asked, looking around frantically.

I pointed to the right, and without any further procrastination, he pulled me off again.


- My stomach churned angrily. It kicked me, slapped me and punched my other organs, just to spite me.

Yes, I get it. It wanted food!

But, not now...

"I can't smell her anywhere!" Ciré growled, growing frustrated.

I looked up at him. He was overworking himself. That's why I said nothing about the actual severity of having a random wolf I didn't trust know anything about me.

He must have thought that she was only going to be the bitch she is and tell the Pack our secret before we got to.

Little did he know... And little did I remember.

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