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Lovely pic of Ciré
Matthew Pollock💓💕

Chapter 3

- I bit into the fruit that he threw me and a sweet liquid gushed into my mouth, enflaming my taste buds. I chewed the bite into small bits then swallowed it. It felt so good going down. It made me realize that I had an emptiness that I never noticed. No wonder why I run out of energy so quickly when I absorb it from the sun, because I wasn't eating anything.

"What is this?" I asked, sitting next to him in the grass.

Our shoulders bumped every now and then and I thought I felt tingles running down my arm.

"It's called a mango." He stated and I frowned.

"Man-go?" The word sounded foreign on my tongue.

He nodded then proceeded to explain, "I don't know why it's called a mango but there are different types. Stringy, Julie, Number 11, Blacky and the one you're eating now, East Indian. Its the best."

I nodded understandingly as I continued to eat my man-go... The name sounded weird but the fruits sweetness had me craving for more. Was I getting addicted? It is the first thing I have ever eaten.

"You haven't tasted anything yet." He grinned placing two, small, round, deep purple fruits in the palm of my left hand

I grazed my fingers over the smooth surface, observing it hungrily. It looks delish, I thought and with a shrug, popped it into my mouth.

The fruit burst beneath my teeth, sending waves of sweet pleasure throughout my senses. The sugary flavour caused my tongue to burn from the extreme sweetness and I couldn't help it. For the first time, ever, in my whole despicable life, I moaned, swallowing the ground fruit.

He looked at me, surprise filling his eyes, then his grin widened and with a flustered puff, I pushed him away.

The rest of the day went by quickly and the only thing we did was eat. Now, I'm so full I can hardly breathe... I should probably use up some of my energy...

And at that, I flew up from my relaxation. Just that random thought alone brought me back to reality. What am I doing? I haven't even noticed that the sun was going down.

My instincts immediately pointed a blame.

'It's all his fault!' I turned to look at my company who was still eating, ' He had been distracting me the whole day!'

Does he have a plan? Was this a trap all along?!

My body burned with anger from confusion and betrayal. I should have kept my guard up!

I moved to the centre of the field as magic seeped from my pours in floating streams. Then I jut my hands forward and a wave rippled through the air.

At feeling a slight breeze from my actions, he looked up from his food, and before he could say anything, I yelled, "Shëdø!" twirling and swinging my arms in a 360° circle. And my magic formed a semi-oval shaped shield around the whole field, stopping night creatures from breaking the tree line.

When the magic faded, making the shield invisible, I landed gracefully, in the soft grass, on my feet. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, then suddenly feeling nauseous, I rushed over to the rose bushes.

"Are you okay? It looks like you worked yourself too hard, fae." I heard him say from behind my trembling body.

I straightened from my crouch and turned to him with a pressured glare, "Stay away from me!" I shrieked from the pit of my stomach.

His eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown as he answered back, "What did I do?! I was just concerned!"

"You're being suspicious."

"How? All I did was show you today how grateful I am for letting me stay with you."

"I still don't trust you." I mumbled, wiping the corners of my mouth.

His eyes flashed with hurt before going blank as he pursed his lips. He turned away from me, walking back to the tall grasses where he slept and for some reason, at just seeing him like that, something tugged at my heart and I started to feel guilty.

I reached out, taking a step forward but stopped myself, a deep frown forming on my face. What am I doing?! Get a grip!

I turned my back to him and sat down in the grass before curling up into a ball. Maybe if I sleep I will feel much better tomorrow...

...but a howl sliced through the silent night air, causing my body to be overcome with a sudden wave of nervousness. I gritted my teeth then shivered. My eyes were open and I stared at the ground with a fear of being grinded to pieces by a magical beast.

As much as I knew they couldn't get to me because of my shield, I guess I just wasn't confident enough. For the whole night, I was on edge. My body shook violently in the grass, my eyes were wild and looking all over the place. The only light that kept me sane from being engulfed in complete darkness was the reflection of sunlight from the moon.

Beads of sweat ran down my face as fear coated my mind with unwanted thoughts. When I sighed, it came out hoarse and shaky, and as much as I tried to calm my breathing, it still came out in pants.

And then, something touched me and I stilled. My heart rate increased but I continued to stare at the ground. I dared not to look up.

All of a sudden, tingles travelled down my arm, followed by light caresses and I shuddered. Slowly, my fear slipped away... It's not like I even did a thing to fight against it, it just left me and my breathing calmed.

Only after I collected myself again, I felt the sleep coming. My eyelids became heavy and with the unfamiliar, but pleasurable touch, lingering on my arm, I fell gracefully into a deep slumber.


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