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Sorry by Hasley

Chapter 6

- "Find her a room with a balcony. She likes to be in a safe place, but also likes the sunlight. Make sure she's comfortable and tell those meddling teenagers to stop playing around with people!"

I heard Ciré say almost immediately when I finally decided to go inside. His voice was laced with power which I knew had an effect on lower werewolves in a way that if they don't want to do as ordered, their wolf will force them to, because it is submissive to their Alpha. He was using his Alpha voice. It sent shivers down my feeble spine.

I walked further into the room which turned out to be a sitting area and all eyes looked my way. The Alpha gazed at me for a short while, before tearing his eyes away and heading for the stairs.

Guilt swirled in my chest as his presence left the room and I frowned. Why do I feel guilty when I was just being cautious? That's who I am, but when it comes to him, I feel other emotions and yet, people used to say I'm a blank soul. People that turned against me-

"Ahsîela, is it?"

I looked up into a pair of golden brown eyes which belonged to a smiling brunette before me, her right hand outstretched in greeting.

I nodded hesitantly before taking her hand in mine.

I forced a smile, "Ahsîela Smailliw."

"I'm Røsheda Finch. Nice to meet you."


She released my hand, then waved for me to follow her, "I'll show you to your room. It is well furnished and I am sure you will like the theme it is coloured in."

I followed her up the stairs, walking by her side. For a female, she was towering over me and I sighed. The perks of being a faery...

We walked along a corridor, passing about three doors, before she finally stopped and I stumbled backwards, trying not to walk into her.

"This is it," she said, grabbing the door knob, "Make yourself at home."

And at that, she swung the door open.

-insert angel harmony and sparkles-

I gasped, both my hands came up to cover majority of my face in disbelief and awe. My uncovered eyes darted all over the room in a quick scan.

Why would they go so far to give me a room like this? It's...

As if to read my mind, Røsheda stated, "It was chosen by the Alpha, specifically for you. You like it?"

I nodded, finally entering the massive private space I had for myself.

"Well, I guess I'll be going then."

She left in a jiffy, prancing down the corridor and I closed the door, making sure to lock it. Then I closed the curtains and sighed.

I haven't been comfortable enough with my surroundings in so long to do this. It makes me vulnerable to any attack, even though it has its advantages... It makes me feel free.


I felt my bones decrease in size, shrinking along with my skin into the size of a middle finger. My clothes sank to the floor, leaving me stark naked beneath them, but I had nothing to hide from. A pair of silver-blue wings protruded from my back, unfolding into its full size in order to carry my weight.

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