Will Things Ever Get Better?

Start from the beginning

"Oh. ANYWAY! You're grounded. For a week. Due to X-Factor." Thank you X-Factor! "Bed. Now. Raines honey, Liam will show you to the guest room."

"Thank you." We both walked upstairs while my mom muttered somethign about 'teenagers these days' Raines was cracking up behind  me.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing..." She tried to cover up the fact that she was still laughing at what just happened. I stopped at the top of the stairs and motioned to the bedroom right at the top.

"Bathroom's next to you."

"OK. Thanks. G'night."

Raines' POV

"Come get me if you need anything."

"Kay." I walked into the bedroom, making sure Liam didn't see me go into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and acted as if I was going to bed. But not yet.

  I waited a few minutes before sneeking out of the bedroom into the bathroom. I slowly opened the door, hoping it woulnd't creek. I didn't want to wake up Liam or his parents. I looked in the corner of the bathroom. A scale. Yes. Just what I was looking for.

  I stood on it waiting for the answer. when 87.4 came up I almost screamed. Holy crap. I don't think a a sixteen year old girl should weigh eighty seven pounds. I sighed and put my hands on my hips when someone wrapped their hands around my mouth and turned me around.

It took all of my strength not to choke Liam. Once I caught my breath Liam took his hand off my mouth and just got a glimpse of the numbers on the sclae before they disappeared.

"Raines? Did that say 87.4 pounds?"

"I can explain-"

"Raines are you anorexic?" I didn't want him to know. He didn't need to know. And I didn't expect him to find out. Until now. I felt my head nod at Liam's answer. He pulled me into his arms and told me everythinG would be okay.

"No, Liam. Nothing will ever be OK again. Nothing. It's already ruined. Yes I'm anorexic. I cut myself sometimes. I eat half a meal every week. I don't know how I can still breathe," I wanted to say. But that would just worry him even more. And I couldn't do that. Not with X-Factor coming. So I just let him hold me. I didn't say anything.

"C'mon. You can sleep with me tonight. And Raines, I just might have to make you eat tomorrow." I quickly whipped away a tear and nodded again. He put an arm around me and we walked to his room. Since I was just in a tanktop and shorts he offered me one of his t-shirts which I gladly took and then climbed into bed with him. I laid with his his left arm around me, and my head on his chest. "We should go to sleep,"

"We should." I closed my eyes and fell into a restless sleep. Or what I thought was sleep.

**the next day**

   I opened my eyes to all too familiar white walls. I heard voices talking and recognized a few.

"Why did she pass out?" Liam. I smiled.

"Lack of food. She's had way to little to eat and to drink. We have to get her to eat when she wakes up or feed it to her through tubes." That must be a doctor. Wait what. Hold on. I passed out?!

"Is she going to be OK?" Mom. MY MOM????!!!!!!!!!!!! She was actually here? Oh my gosh.

"Mom?" I asked I didn't want them to know I was awake so I could listen to them but I was just so shocked. She rushed over to the side of my bed followed by Liam.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me. He was holding a clip board. And a pen looking like he was taking notes.

"Well, my stomach hurts, my head is pounding, and I feel like I might throw up." The doctor made a few notes then looked up at me.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now