(not a chapter) Maybe Being Late Isn't All That Bad

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(A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating for a while but the next chapter is on it's way! School ended so now I'll have some free time for my writing! Anyways, to say thanks to you guys for being so patient and for the almost 2K reads and as an apology for not releasing that much content, here's a Solangelo one-shot that I did for school the last few weeks to keep us busy. This isn't related to the story at all!)



  Waking up at the crack of dawn is not something I like doing. Especially because I was working on a med assignment the previous night with adrenaline and pure black coffee the only thing that was keeping me awake. Oh, and did I mention that the assignment was due the next day at 7 A.M. sharp. Yeah, not my cup of tea. Let's turn that into coffee. Even though I had way more than what is healthy, it's still good. Much better than tea.

  Getting up was even harder. With my arms feeling like lead and a very, very welcoming blanket wrapped around me, it was nearly impossible to do so. Nearly. Sadly, the alarm that was blaring on the other side of the room was a fairly good motivator. I definitely didn't want my roommate to get angry at me. A Clarisse La Rue that is angry is a Clarisse La Rue that no one wants to be in a 100-mile radius of. Not even her boyfriend, Chris Rodriguez.

  I got up from my safe haven filled with soft pillows and baby-blue blankets and started to walk groggily to the other side of the room, towards the dreaded alarm of doom. When did I come up with that name? Right now. Why did I just deem it the Alarm of Doom? Here's a simple answer: don't question the decisions I make in the morning.

  "COULD YOU TURN THAT THING OFF?!" Clarisse yelled from her room which was beside mine, along with a few colourful choices of language that I'm not willing to repeat.

  Ack! I think I forgot some important basic details about myself, now that I think about it. Let me begin:

  I'm a 22-year old male from California. I have 2 step-siblings, Kayla and Austin, who both have different mothers then I do. Terrible, yes, I know, but, sadly, our father likes to get around a little too much. I can tell you, Naomi, my mom, was not pleased to learn the news of my soon-to-be siblings. As you can tell (from my extravagant entrance of this morning and the very detailed description of last night), I am a med student at the NYC (New York City) university. The work sucks, yes, but I've always wanted to be a doctor, so I could help people who need it, and if I graduate from this tortuous course (plus many others), I'll be able to do just that. Oh, and yeah, my name is Will Solace. That little fact may be important.

  Back to the story; I responded with a sleepy grunt that she probably didn't hear because of the wailing alarm, and stumbled over to the other side of my room. Sadly, just as I was going to turn it off (A.K.A. slam my hand on the off-button repeatedly), I slipped on a piece of unwashed clothing I threw on the floor sometime during this week and fell on my butt.

  I cursed. What a great way to start my day? I thought sarcastically.

  Getting dressed, showering and quickly eating an un-toasted, no-name brand pop tart was harder than expected. Especially because I had to make sure I was extra quiet, so I didn't accidentally wake up Clarisse. She may be this big, bulking, tough female, but she sleeps dangerously light. Actually, put some emphasis on the word 'dangerous'. She may go on a murdering rampage if she is woken up at the wrong time.

  Sadly, pushing my normal schedule even farther back, I got a text from one of my closest friends. Cecil Markowitz. He can be very annoying sometimes, but the pranks he pulls with the university pranking team (Travis and Conner Stoll, along with Leo and occasionally Katie Gardner – Travis' Girlfriend) can be pretty funny when they aren't pulled on you, which they are almost always are. Well, for me at least. I am his friend, and being friend with almost everyone has their cons.

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