I Fly Halfway Across the World, and I Accidently Offened An Old Lady. Oops

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(A/N Hey! My next chapter is here. I don't know when here is because I always write these at the beginning of every chapter before I finish it, but whatever! I'd also like to say that this book was added to a reading list that was named 'Books that need updating 6' by Natashac88, and I'd like to say that I have never seen anything more true in my entire life. *praise* Also, I'd like to thank all of the people who have been writing nice comments and voting and reading even though I have a very weird updating 'schedule'. That does sound really cheesy, but it's the truth. When I see a comment or vote or something like that on my story, I'm like 'let's keep writing!!' And then I fall out of the loop again, but thats not important! What's important is that it inspires me to at least try to get my next chapter done. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

Wouldn't you think that being in the air, flying basically, would be fun? Yeah, nice joke.

Let me tell you the reality of the situation: your stuck on a winged beast, with nothing to do because you can't use anything because then you're running the risk of dropping it and never seeing it again. You can't really sleep because then there is a possibility of you falling off, and that is much worse then just a 'useless item' falling to oblivion, and you can't even converse with anyone because you most likely can't speak horse. And let me tell you, it's boring. Especially if your like me; an ADHD demigod that usually is able to do something in their free time. If you think that this is boring, imagine me in this situation.

To be fair, for the first five minutes I was excited to fly on this amazing black Pegasus, but after the excitement worn out, I realised that I have done much more exciting and cooler things then riding a winged-horse. I've literally been to hell and back and I thought this might be exciting. How dumb am I? Well, to be fair, I am excited for the year to come, and that's probably where the initial excitement came from. But the way there? Oh, hell na'!

I leaned forward slightly, Blackjack's black mane tickling my chin as it blew in the wind. My hair was also flapping in the wind, trailing behind me and slapping the back of my neck. It was quite annoying.

  It was actually sort of exhilarating to be this high up and going this fast. We were literally going almost as fast as a plane would fly normally, but on a winged horse. How strong is he? He must be very strong to be able to go this fast at such a persistent speed. I mean, like— woah!

   I ran my fingers through the soft hair, reminding me of when I run my fingers through Will's golden locks. Though, his locks are softer and smell like the conditioner he uses, when Blackjacks mane is a bit rougher and smells like the stables instead. Gods, I miss him already. Not the Pegasus. Will, if you read that wrong.

  I sure hope the flight won't take long, considering we are flying halfway across the world.


    1 hour. 1 hour until I get off of this dreaded horse and actually step on real, solid land. And I couldn't wait.

  My ADHD was really catching up to me. I kept drumming my fingers on the side of Blackjack's stomach, making said Pegasus neigh annoyedly at me. It wasn't really my fault, though. You can't expect an artist not to doodle, so why do you expect an 18 year old, ADHD demigod that is expertly trained in killing monsters and raising the dead not to be bored on an extremely long flight with nothing to do? Exactly! You can't!

The green and damp ground below us sped past in a blur. It sort of reminded me of when you're in a plane (though, I wouldn't be because I'd be killed by Zeus.), and the plane is in take off — if that's the proper term for it — and you get that uneasy feeling in your stomach. The feeling where your stomach feels like it's starting to slowly crawl up from your torso to your chest. As well as the excitement and fear of your first time flying because you don't know what's going to happen; this is a new experience for you.

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