Something To Think About

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I run back home to Pride Rock as fast as I can to get Heri's parents and bring them to the borders. When I arrived, I see Queen Kiara speaking with 3 pride members. I hate to interrupt, but what I am about to inform is very important!

"Queen Kiara!" I call out of breath.

Queen Kiara paused her conversation with the 3 lionesses and turn her head slightly towards my direction. She smiles happily, "Hello, Auni! How are you feeling hun?"

"Good, thank you for asking your highness! I have some important news."

"Important news? You're in labor already?!"

Queen Kiara gasped. I roll my chestnut colored eyes with laugher. She is so silly!

"Haha, no my Queen!" I answered, while shaking my head.

Queen Kiara wipes her forehead feeling relieved. "Oh, do not scare me like that young lady! Haha. Okay, so if that was not it, then what is wrong?"

"Heri and I stumbled across a male lion at the borders. He is not from our land. I was sent here to find you and King Kovu; hoping that you guys can decide together on what we should all do next."

"Hmmm, very interesting! Thank you for telling me this Auni. I will have to go behind Pride Rock and inform my husband the urgent news. Where is my son?"

"Heri is still at the borders with the suspicious male to be sure that he does not do anything dangerous." I replied.

"Great! Auni, go back and tell Heri that his father and I will be on our way now!" The Queen ordered.

"Got it!"

I turn around and resume my running across the grasslands straight to the borders so I can deliver Heri his mother's message. I surely do hope his parents will investigate what this strange male lion is "truly" here for. Something odd is going on and I want to know what that is too!

"I don't see anyone over here, Mosi!"

"We have to keep looking, Chauna. Adia would not want us to give up!"

"Well my paws are getting tired now. They need to rest!"

I stop running after hearing two nearby voices. My ears twitch as I try to locate the sound. Straight ahead, two big cubs step from out of a large bush. I know these two! It is Mheetu and Haiba's son Mosi and one of Kion's daughters Chauna. What are they up to I wonder?

"Hey guys!" I greet.

They both smile. "Hello, Future Queen!"

"What are you two doing here?"

"Oh nothing, just on an important search!" Chauna simply, responds. She smiles warmly after her short sentence.

I raise a brow and grinned. "An important search huh?"

Mosi nodded, "Yeah! What about you Princess Auni?"

"I'm on my way to take care of some that cubs aren't allowed to know about. I suggest you two go play around close at Pride Rock where it's safe!"


The two cousins start walking back home to Pride Rock.

"Say, what important search were you guys doing anyway?" I ask, curiously.

They stop walking and looked over their shoulders meeting their eyes with my own.

"We were helping Adia's new friend find his brother." Chauna answers, honestly.

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