A Missing Link

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The day has now shifted to afternoon. The cool relaxing morning is gone, allowing the heat of the day to begin its normal routine. Me, Bahiya, Bisa, and her cubs are still together inside the Marsh Lands. 'Bomani' , leader of the Marsh Land Pride had allowed us to rest in his home as long as we wanted. Lions from the pride have shared us their food; they even showed us where the watering hole is located, just in case if we get thirsty.

It has been almost a second full day since me and my 'small pride' have rested here in these nice, comfortable lands. It felt great to have a break from our travels again. But now it is time to hit the road!

"Jahi, stop annoying your sister!" Bisa ordered her son.

"But mooooom, I was just playing with her!" Jahi whined.

He stops chewing playfully on his sister Karimu's left ear. Karimu does not say anything in return, but look irritated at brother.

Bahiya and I are laying down closely together on the green grasses, while Bisa and her cubs are resting on the nearby large rocks. Bahiya is busy grooming herself clean. I continue looking up at the lovely afternoon sky just thinking quietly to myself.

I am thinking about my family back in the Pride Lands. I wonder how my brother Heri is doing well with his King lessons. I am sure that he is doing awesome! Heri has always been a fast learner since we were cubs. He catches on to things quickly and much easier than I do. I would often need more practice, which is okay. I do not mind it at all!

I miss my mom a lot. I miss my private talks with her; her giving me pure warmth and life advice, telling me that everything will be okay and that no one is perfect. I am much closer to my mother than my father. Dad and I did not get close until, I was first told that I am going to be the next future King after Heri's "supposedly" death.

I would never expect my life to change so sudden and drastically like this. Who would ever thought that 'I' would be the one kicked out of Pride Rock; losing my royal status there? But hey, it is what it is. I have moved on now.

Everything that has happened is behind me. I am moving forward starting a new life with my wife and our growing pride; Bisa and her cubs. All I want is good vibes and success!

Someday I will have that once I am finally living peacefully inside of my dream home...

"Good afternoon!" A deep voice greets.

My thoughts are interrupted. I take my reddish brown eyes from off the afternoon sky for a few moments and look down seeing Bomani approach us out of no where with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Bomani!" Bahiya and Bisa both greeted together.

I nod my head. "Hello, Bomani!"

"I see you guys have been enjoying your stay in the Marsh Lands so far!" He said.

"Yeah, the animals here are so friendly and your pride is very welcoming too. They treat us as if we are already members of the Marsh Lands!" Said Bahiya. She smiles sweetly, "That is so special and kind of them."

"Yes, I had told everyone to be on their best behaviors since we have very special guests from the Pride Lands, my birth home. They know how much the Pride Lands mean to me..."

Bisa nods her head with understanding. "Ah yes, the Pride Lands is such an amazing place. It has been so long since I was last there..."

"Wait, you were from the Pride Lands before too Bisa?!" I asked her surprised.

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