No Longer A Member

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A/N: The illustration above is to show Bahiya (at the top) and Bahiya again with her mother Tiifu (at the bottom). I am having so much fun pretending these lions are my characters! Cool what you can do with your own imagination ☺️. I seriously cannot stop writing today. I feel like the story is becoming good as each chapter comes. Anyway enough with the chatter, you may read and enjoy chapter 5 below!


Skyy15 💕



The heat of the day has ebbed to a comforting warmth. The sunshine has lost its brightness and the colours of the Savannah are softened. The evening had sent the birds to their nests and the crickets to sing in the swaying grasses. The sandy soil was on its way to becoming a rich sable and the cloudless sky promised an unfettered view of the heavens.

After the big ceremony at Pride Rock, all the animals had went back to their homes making the land more quiet and peaceful. The hunting party had already caught dinner which were two buffaloes. One was a lonesome calf while the other a male. We were very lucky to have both and had enough to last around feeding the whole Pride.

When dinner was over, I left from behind Pride Rock where my friends are and decided to go to the cavern to speak to my mother about what Makosa told me earlier. Now would be the time to explain. I remember she had went to the cavern earlier to eat dinner with Auni's mother Zuri in private.

I leaped up the few rocky steps of Pride Rock and slowly entered inside the cavern.

I cleared my throat. "Mom?"

"Yes, Bahiya?" She spoke.

"Am I interrupting anything? If so, I can come back later. It's nothing too important."

"Nonsense child, come! Zuri is already gone. She is now with her daughter Auni. What is wrong my precious flower?"

I walked more inside the cavern and now see my mother laying against the cave's wall. I notice how old she's becoming. Not too old, but she beginning to age slowly each day. Same with Queen Kiara, King Kovu, and Auni's mother Zuri. They are all around the same age. Kion is the youngest, but not too young. He's a bit behind them.

I lay close beside her. "Mom, have you ever thought about going some place else?"

Mother raised one of her brows. "What do you mean, sweetie?"

"You know, venture out and go beyond the Pride Lands. Explore and discover a new land with new lions. Basically a fresh start at life!"

"Oh Bahiya, I don't want to start a new life. Especially if it means to leave the Pride Lands! I was born and raised here just like you were. This is my home. I have so many memories here. Too many to leave behind. Plus I have my friends here. What made you ask?"

I look down at my colorless paws. "Well, Makosa and I were talking earlier and-"

Mother gasps. "Makosa?! You mean the Prince, your husband? He is alive still?"

"Yes, he is okay. While everyone was busy celebrating at the big ceremony earlier, i went out to go find him. He hasn't been home for a while and I worried. I found him outside of the Pride Lands."

"Oh Bahiya honey, if the King finds out you will be in trouble. I know he is still your husband, but you leaving the Pride Lands is dangerous."

I rolled my hazel eyes. "I know mom, as you can see I am fine not hurt. The King doesn't have to know or worry because I am leaving the Pride Lands for good starting tonight."

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