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A/N: Hey guys, Skyy15 here! 👋🏽 The illustration above is to show Makosa (on the left) and Makosa again (on the right) with Bahiya. I actually like posting pictures of real lions instead of Disney's animations. It brings the book more to life if you know what I mean ☺️. Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting. The book is already reaching high numbers and I just created it almost 4 days ago like wow omg 😂 You guys rock seriously! 🎉 ❤️ Okay enough with the chatter, you may enjoy chapter 4!


Skyy15 💕





"Makosa, you must wake up..." Said a deep voice.

I slowly open my reddish brown eyes. A very bright light shined down on me. I cover my eyes quick with my paws since the light had hurt my eyes.

"W-Who are you and w-where am I ?" I answered, nervously.

"You are in a dream."

"A dream? Impossible..."

"I will awake you later in the real world. Right now, you must listen to everything I am about to tell you."

I open back my eyes and scanned around my surroundings. I am laying down on a floating white cloud. More clouds circle around me. The sky is slowly turning dark revealing the night as I spot a few stars twinkle.

My mouth is hung open with shock. What the hell...

"No, take me home! I don't even know who you are. All i can hear is the sound of your voice." I yelled out.

There was a loud chuckle. It caused for me to shake. I hold onto the cloud tight, careful not to fall over if possible.

"Alright, Makosa. If it makes anything better I will reveal myself to you. I forgot about how long it has been since we've last seen each other in the real world." The deep voice replied.

I watch the clouds all form close together into something giant and tall. What is happening? I notice the clouds are shaping into a male lion. But not just any male, a male I now finally recognize.

"G-Grandpa..." I spoke, in awe.

Grandpa smiles and reached out his large ghostly paw to me. "Come, grandson. I know it's been such a longtime. We have a lot of catching up I see."

I climbed myself onto his paw and he took me away from the cloud I was laying on. He brought me very close up to his face where we can see each other eye to eye, nose to nose.

"Grandpa, can you please explain to me why am I here? Don't tell I you know...?"

Grandpa threw his head back with laughter. "No Makosa, you are not dead. I told you, your not awake yet in the real world. Your sleeping very deeply."

"So in other words, I'm unconscious?"


"Juuuuust great."

"Don't worry, i will send you back down and awake you soon. Right now we need to have a talk." Grandpa added, with a serious tone this time.

The Lion King: Break Free जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें