Still Daddy's Little Girl

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The early morning sunlight soft and diffuse gives way to the first strong rays of the day, the ones that bring true warmth. The heat of the day can already be felt. The birds soften the dawn with their beautiful chorus.

A green leaf falls down from a tree branch and land on my pink nose. I loudly sneeze, causing for my family to wake up. I open my brown eyes welcoming the new day and yawned. Vitani was laying close beside me with her head rested on my back. She opens her lovely blue eyes and fluttered her lashes.

"Good morning, honey!" She greets. "That was some sneeze you had there, huh?"

I chuckled. "Good morning, love! I guess it had came from the tree branches above."

Vitani and I are laying underneath a large tree. In front of our protective watchful eyes, lay our three children Aiysha, Hashaan, and Sahel. Aiysha and Hashaan are still sleeping while Sahel wakes up with a stretch.

"Good morning, mom and dad!" He greets, smiling.

"Good morning, son!" I nod.

"I am going to go get a morning drink from the river. Be right back!"

Sahel jogs away.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Vitani asks me.

"Yeah, they sure do. That means we are getting old fast. Nooooo!" I replied.

Vitani laughed. It is true, we are! Being able to still be alive and watch my children grow is such an amazing blessing. I am thankful to have witness it all. Makosa and Bahiya are not present this morning. Maybe they have gone to get themselves a drink or hunt breakfast.

After having that personal conversation with Makosa yesterday evening, it made me think about a lot of things in my life. If I did not met Vitani, I don't know how may life would have turned out. Would it be for the good or bad? Who knows! I guess I would have lived the rest of my life as a lonesome rouge with no family. My life in other words, would be boring. With Vitani, I have happiness and new adventures every single day. Its like us two against the world!

The sun shines its morning rays down on Vitani's dark peach fur. It makes her glow so beautifully. I am so lucky to have her. When we first met, it was like love at first sight to me. I just knew she was the one. We clicked so easily! Our pasts is what brought us surprisingly close. It was a reason why i was driven to come to the Pride Lands. The reason was to meet my soul mate.

"Kopa, Hashaan and I are going to join Sahel at the river. Would you like to come with us?" Vitani asks me, interrupting my thoughts.

I shake my head and smile. "Nah, you two go on ahead. I'll stay here with Aiysha and perhaps hunt us all breakfast."

"Okay, honey. Be back in a few!"

Vitani gave me a sweet nuzzle before walking off with our eldest son Hashaan. Hashaan is a young adult just like his sister Aiysha. They share the same age and was only a few minutes apart when they were born. To be honest, I thought Hashaan would be the first to have children not Aiysha. He was always a ladies man, but i guess he just couldn't keep the lionesses long enough. Someday he will get lucky!

Aiysha I know will become a great mother. She is too much of her mother's personality with my facial features. She will do fine in motherhood. Plus, she has plenty of help from her parents and brothers too. I just wish she could have married first before becoming pregnant or at least stayed in the relationship long enough.

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