A Start Of An New Generation

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A/N: Hey guys! 😃 I am soooo sorry for updating slow. I have been so darn busy with life outside of Wattpad. I've started this new job and it has been keeping me away from you beautiful people! 😢. Today I finally got a bit of free time to update a chapter or two. For some strange reason, I always noticed that my chapters come out strong whenever I step away from Wattpad for a while. It's like it helps build me up some very good ideas for the book 😅.

Anyway, I hope you all are still loving and enjoying this book as I am. Thank you all for your patience, inspirations, nice comments, and votes on ALL of the books. It is well appreciated! 😊





Just before dawn, the sky fills with blended tones of rosy pinks and sandy yellows. A subtle way to welcome a new day, a new beginning. The sky has now softened to a blue; The air is delicate and cool. The sun is peeking over the mountains, each blade of grass already feeling the soft warming rays and growing stronger for the light they receive.

Something exciting and special is happening at Pride Rock inside the large cavern. Haiba's friend Pacca is finally about to give birth to her first cub. Her loud groaning had awaken the Pride. Kovu had sent three lionesses off to Amwa's tree to let her know about the urgent news. Amwa doesn't only assist the royal babies, she also helps regular animals too.

Haiba lays closely beside her friend and held her right paw tightly. "That's it Pacca, just breathe calm and slowly. Everything is going to be alright! Amwa is on the way soon."

Pacca looks nervous and afraid. "I hope so! I can't do this on my own. I am so scared Haiba..."

"Do not worry Pacca, I will be here with you! I have already experienced this enough with my first born Mosi. This is going to take a lot of hard contractions and patience before your little one comes."

Pacca half smiles, "Thank you so much! I trust your words."

I met my bluish green eyes with Haiba's eyes and gave her a warm smile. This same moment reminds me of a time when Haiba was about to give birth to our first cub Mosi. She was so nervous just like Pacca is. Now that she is pregnant again and has enough experience from the first birth, this will be a piece of cake to Haiba for the second birth.

It is very nice of Haiba to help Pacca until Amwa arrive and take over. She was able to calm Pacca down during her tough contractions.

"Pacca, maybe this will help calm you down more during your contractions. Imagine yourself holding your adorable son or daughter right now inside your arms." Said Haiba.

Pacca closed her eyes trying to imagine inside her mind. She smiles, "He or she is so beautiful!"

"That's it! Keep imagining. This may can distract you from the contractions for a few moments."

I nuzzle Haiba. "Good job, honey!"

She purrs softly while rubbing her nose against my own. My niece Kiara walks forward joining us with her husband Kovu close at her left side.

"Good morning to you all!" Kiara greeted with joy. "I just love this special time of the year when a new life is about to join the world."

"Good morning Queen Kiara, King Kovu! Yes, it is such a happy time." Haiba happily spoke, agreeing.

"How are you feeling, Pacca?" Kovu asks concerned.

"Somewhat better." Pacca replied, with a head nod. "I am still receiving pain from the contractions, but Haiba here has been such a great help. She has helped by calming me down and teaching me how to breathe perfectly for the baby. I truly appreciate her!"

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