#5.2~ Bard

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PROMPT: Part two to imagine #5; you’re trusted with Bard’s children while he goes to fill the barrels.

The sky was starting to darken just that little bit, and the kids and you had turned to Bain’s drawings for entertainment. There wasn’t much to do in this little town that didn’t lead to something vulgar, so you hadn’t bothered to take them out of the house for the day. You also didn’t want to put up with that dreaded man who proclaimed that he was a leader; he didn’t like you very much and the feeling was mutual.

“When will Da be home?” Tilda wondered with her chin resting on her palm while she watched her brother drawing. He was sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he concentrated, and it was one of those little things that made you smile.

“I’m not sure,” you told her truthfully, but-just as you said the words-there was a ruckus outside of the door. Standing to your feet, you rushed to the door and opened it to see Bard standing outside while looking rather nervous. The children could see him from their places at the table, and they quickly ran to the door with Tilda being the first to tackle him in a hug.

“Da,” she sighed, and he hugged the smallest girl tightly before releasing her and ruffling Bain’s hair. Sigrid was next in line for a hug, and even you received one after her.

“I’ve made dinner if you’re hungry,” you informed him while you made your way over to the food that was still warm and waiting for him. The small smile fell from his features and he let out a long sigh that seemed to hang in the air until he finally spoke.

“How much did you make?” he questioned and you raised an eyebrow.

“Enough for you, why?”

“I’ve brought back some… guests,” he had taken extra thought for the last word, and he didn’t exactly seem so sure of it. You cocked your head to the side in confusion.

“Guests? Where are they?” you wondered curiously, “who are they?”

“They’re coming,” he answered the first question while looking to the hatch that led to the lower section of the small hut type building. “You wouldn’t know them; they’re not from here.”

“Should I cook some more food then?” you replied.

“You don’t have to stay,” he answered, and the words hurt. You knew that he didn’t mean it in a harsh way, but you should have known better than to over stay your welcome.  After all, you were just there to keep an eye on the kids while he was gone. Even if you two were friends, he wouldn’t want you hanging around when his surprise guests showed up at the house. You were just one of the lowly citizens of the lake town, and you didn’t need to encroach upon his life when he didn’t need you there.

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you mumbled out, saying goodbye to the kids before heading for the door. Bard caught the almost disappointed tone in your voice and he immediately found the fault in his words. They had sounded a bit harsher than he had intended for them to be, and he quickly walked out of the door after you.

“Y/N, wait,” he called after you and you turned around to see what he would say next. He looked distressed-he always looked frustrated by something, but now it seemed worse-and he let out another heavy sigh before he spoke up again. “I didn’t mean it like I didn’t want you to stay; it’s just that, the guests are a little… rowdy.”

“Don’t worry, I understand,” you tried to make your smile as reassuring as possible, but that didn’t stop him from continuing.

“No, really. I wouldn’t mind it if you stayed; I enjoy having you here a lot,” he babbled. You raised an eyebrow at him while he continued to rattle off words nervously. The air was cold and bitter around you both, and you pulled your fur coat around you a bit more. You couldn’t tell if the color rising to his cheeks was because of the nippy air or because he was nervous. “The kids really enjoy you, and with their mother being gone it has been hard. I know I’m always gone, but I enjoy the time we do get to spend together. I’ve really liked being friends, and maybe we can even have a go at something more once all this is over, yeah?”

You could feel your own cheeks growing hot at the bluntness of the last part, but you nodded nevertheless. He smiled widely and was about to say something when there was a loud clatter coming from inside of his home. “I better get back in there,” he chuckled, and the nervousness was still clear in his voice. Again, you nodded and watched him happily as he jogged back into his home.

Not my best work, but I hope you enjoyed J I have to move onto other stories but I hope to update this again soon!


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