Chapter 10

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Laughter echoed through the dark hallways as Greg and I ran, decorating his home with little pranks. They weren't huge, life changing ones. It was just a mere payback.

We finished the last of the pranks before setting a box of creme-filled doughnuts on the table. It was about 8 A.M. and we heard footsteps upstairs.

The prank war has began.

It started out innocently. Rodrick tried washing his hands but the bar soap was covered in clear nail polish. As the oblivious man went to brush his teeth, blue food-dye smeared all over his pearly whites.

Rodrick was clearly agitated, however the mood lifted when he spotted the pink casing of the doughnuts.
Licking his lips, the ravenous teen grabbed a doughnut and took a huge bite. His face scrunched up, but continued chewing. Little did he know...

Several other harmless pranks were scattered throughout their home. Rodrick did notice, but he didn't want to seem bothered. Therefore, he simply brushed it off like a speck of dust.
Night fell, and I simply snuck into the back door of their home. After we finish off this final prank, the day will be done and karma will be served.

"Rodrick?" I sweetly called. His head perked from the couch, eyes wide.


"Mhm. I came here to show you something." You have a sincere smile and he stood up.

"Yes, anything. Please I missed you, I didn't mean it and-"

"Shhhhhhhhut up. Okay, so it's a magic trick! You're tall, hold this container of water to the ceiling. Mm, yes very good." I watched in disbelief and he held it to the ceiling.

"Okay, but this broom stick under it. When I count to 3 the water will disappear."

"What? No way." He huffed as he held the broomstick in place.

"1...2... Goodbye! And also, those doughnuts weren't just any doughnuts, but CREAM filled doughnuts. Toodles!" With that, you walked away. You heard Rodrick gag, drop the broomstick and the tin came with it. He was soaked.

You can thank Greg for the doughnut prank. 😉

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