Small Bump

1.7K 21 2

Warnings: Super Sad

Y/C/B/N = Your Choice of Boy Name
Y/C/G/N = Your Choice of Girl Name

Word Count: 1K


"I'm pregnant." you say, tears welling up in your eyes with a soft smile. I look up from my phone and look at you.

"You're serious?" I ask standing up. You nod your head yes, now covering your mouth and the tears coming out. I run up to you and hug you.

"I'm going to be a dad." I say to myself. I let go of you and touch your stomach. "I'm going to be a dad." I say now to you. You laugh, nodding your head again. I pick you up and spin you around. 

I then set you down, and I put my forehead on yours. 

Two Months Later:

"What are you going to name it?" Paddy asks Y/N. My family, Y/N, and I were all sitting in the living room talking about the baby. 

"If a boy, (Y/C/B/N). If it's a girl (Y/C/G/N)." you say putting your hand on your stomach. "Those are beautiful names." my mum says, then taking a sip of her tea. 

"Why don't you name it after me?" Harry asks, criss-crossing his arms. "More importantly, why not me?" Sam asks pointing at himself. You roll your eyes.

"I would never do that to our kid." you said, making my parents, Paddy, and I laugh. 

We head back to our apartment after dinner at my parents house. "I'm tired." you say laying down on the bed. I smile and sit up against the head board. You turn on the TV and start to watch Netflix.

"For someone who wants to sleep, why did you turn the TV on?" I ask. "Cause, I can't sleep without it. You know that." you sigh.

I then put my hand on your stomach again. I smile to myself, knowing that my kid was in the love of my life. 

"Hey." I whisper into your stomach. I hear you giggle from what I was doing. "Just wanted to let you know, that I love you and so does your mother. And that we can't wait to see you." You sit up.

"You know the baby can't hear you."  you say. "Of course it can." I say back. "She didn't mean that." I say to her stomach again. You smile and kiss me. "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight, love." I smile and lay back down next to you. 

End of Flashback

 You were just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life
You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes
I'll hold your body in my hands be as gentle as I can
And now your scan on my unmade plans
Small bump, in four months you're brought to life  

You slam the door from our shared bedroom, not saying a word to me. I didn't really expect you to after the news we got. 


The baby was four months in. In the beginning, it was healthy. So this was a surprise to us. I pick up my phone and dial my mother's number. 

"Hello, sweetie. What's up?" she asks answering the call.

"We lost the baby, mum." I say sniffling, letting the tears fall. 

"What? That makes no sense, the baby was so healthy." she begins. 

"It was unexpected, it was random. No one saw it coming." I sit down, putting my head in my hand. 

"How's Y/N?" she asks, scared to know the answer. 

"She's so upset, mum. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to make this better." I cry.

"Let me talk to her." she said, and I say okay. 

Both of your parents died in a car crash when you were 19, so the only thing close to a mother for you was mine.

I knock on the door. You don't answer, so I open it to see you on the bed, crying your eyes out. You look up at me. 

"It's mum." I say. You hold out your hand and I hand the phone to you. I sit next to you and wrap my arms around you. 

"Hey Nikki...I'm sorry's all my fault, I should of done better...I know...I we're both a mess...what do we do?..." you say into the phone.

I can't believe you think that this was your fault. 

You eventually hang up and put your head on my chest. 

 You are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
Oh you are my one, and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight
And you'll be alright 

"Babe, it's not your fault." I say into your hair. You just sniffle and hold me closer. 

"Tom, I lost the baby. I lost another important thing in my life. First my parents, now this. God, Tom. We didn't even know the gender." you cry harder.

 You're just a small bump unknown and you'll grow into your skin
With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin
(Oh) Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice
And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide a small bump
In four months you'll open your eyes  

I pull your face away from my chest and make it even with mine. I wipe your tears with my thumbs. I look into your red puffy eyes.

You put your hand on mine that was on your face.

"I let you down. You were so excited to have this baby, and I lost it." you say.

"Y/N, I was so ready to be a father. I was ready to have a baby and have a family with you. And you know what? I'll always be ready, and if we try again, I'll still be ready. Cause I want a family with you Y/N. I love you so much and I can wait. I'll wait for you." I said, moving your hair from your face. 

You smile slightly, finally letting the tears stop. You nod, knowing what I said was the truth and nothing but the truth. 

"I love you too, Tom. I don't deserve you." you say.

"No, it's you that I don't deserve." I say, and I kiss your forehead. 

 You were just a small bump unborn, for four months then torn from life
Maybe you were needed up there but we're still unaware as why.

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