
2.1K 17 0

Warnings: Drinking, Break Up, Language, and a Whole Bunch of Angst

Word Count: 1.4K

She's gone. And it's all my damn fault. 

She loved me, and I loved her. Yet, I still managed to screw things up because I couldn't control myself. I couldn't control my emotions, only to leave it to drinking. 

After I got fired and replaced for the Spider-Man role because I couldn't agree with the plot and script of my next movie, it left me in a rough spot. I couldn't seem to get back up after I was fired, making me stay at home just drinking. 

(Y/N) would try to help me get out of the apartment, but nothing seemed to work. I was embarrassed to be seen by the public, and she didn't understand that. I was supposed to be Tom Holland, the best young actor this year, and here I was unemployed. 

She did everything in her power to make me feel better, which I appreciated, but it lead to fights involving a drunk me. 

"Tom, get out of the apartment. Go to an audition. Do something. Don't let this one thing get you down and stop you from acting. You're still young." she sighed, sitting next to me on the couch while petting Tessa.

"You don't understand (Y/N)." I said, opening up another can of beer, not looking at her. 

"Tom, I do understand. I do know what you're going through, because a normal person goes through this type of stuff. Where they loose something they really loved, and the only way to get better is to get yourself up again." 

I keep ignoring her, watching the episode that was playing in front of me on the TV. She groans, turning it off. "Would you just listen?" she asks, her voice cracking. 

"Turn it back on, now." I say angrily. "Not until you talk to me." she says, crossing her arms.

"Fine, I'll talk to you. Leave me alone (Y/N). I don't need your pity and I surely don't need your annoying voice telling me what I already know." I say, gritting my teeth.

She looks at me, with tears about to escape her eyes. I instantly felt awful for what I said. I go to grab her arm, but she pulls away. 

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." she whispers, and starts to walk to our shared bedroom. 

That was the first time we got into a fight and it wasn't the last. Almost every night, we fought about something stupid that wasn't worth fighting for, like about the dishes or the rent. 

I saw it in her, she was tired of me. I knew she wanted to leave, but something in her was telling her to stay because she still loved me, and cared about me.

Until one night, she had enough. 

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" she asks, staring at all the bottles on the table and kitchen counters. I don't answer her as she sets her keys down on the counter. 

"Tom, you promised you would stop drinking. You promised." she croaked, making me roll my eyes. "Sorry to disappoint you." I say.

"That's it. I'm done." she said and I turned my head towards her. 

"What?" I asked, confused on what she was saying. 

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