Lego House

797 7 1

Warning: Fluff

Word Count: 2.1K

12 Years Earlier: (Flashback)

You squeal while running away from me, while laughing loudly. I catch up to you by grabbing the end of your shirt, finally tagging you.

"Got you, Y/N!" I yell and head the other direction. You pout and sprint for me. 

About an hour later, our little legs were tired from all the running and we decide to just lay on the grass looking at the clouds. 

I look over at you, seeing you watch the clouds peacefully. "Y/N?" I begin to say, still looking at you. 

"Yes, Tommy?" you smile, making me notice one of your teeth missing. I smile back. "You're my best friend. Promise we'll always be there for each other?" I ask you, grabbing your hand.

"You're my best friend too. And I promise." you say, gladly taking my hand. 

For two 10 year olds, this was a big promise to each other. Anything could happen in the future, but we decide to block those thoughts out and keep looking up at the sky. 

5 Years Later: (STILL FLASHBACK)

"I'm scared, Tom." you say looking up at the school. 

Today was the first day of Secondary School, and you were more nervous than anything. I was too, but I didn't show it.

"Hey, look at me." I smile, grabbing your hands. Your eyes meet mine, oh how I could lose myself in those eyes. 

"Don't be scared. I'll be here, I always am. Trust me." I say and you show your famous smirk. You nod, trusting me. 

We walk in together on the first day of freshmen year. That was the one day that we were always by each other's side. We thought we would see each other everyday, but that soon changed. 

You tried out for the cheer leading team, and ended up making it. That meant practice after school everyday, which also meant no more hanging out after school with me. That also meant new friends and less time talking to me. 

For a good few weeks, I thought I lost you. But, when one day you showed up to my house with movies and snacks, I knew that you were still there, the old Y/N.

"How's cheer?" I ask you, popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth while we sat on the couch. "Good. It's a lot of fun." you say, forcing a smile. I knew that it was fake. 

"What's wrong?" I ask you and you sigh. "Nothing, it's dumb." you say, not looking at me. I scoot closer to you. "Remember when I said that you could trust me?" I ask. 

You nod. You take a deep breath and begin. 

"I just miss you, Tom. I never get to see you ever since we started school this year. I just feel so bad. And I love you so much cause you are my best friend, and I feel like an awful friend." you say sadly.

I rub your hand softly. "You're not an awful friend Y/N. You being here now means everything to me. I love you too." I say pulling you into a hug. 

That was the exact same day that I realized that I was in love with you. 

- - - - -  

"You asking her to the dance?" Harrison asks me, while we grabbed our lunch from the lunch line. 

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows, grabbing an apple. 

"The dance? The one coming up in a few weeks? Are you asking Y/N?" he asks again, like I didn't hear him the first time. 

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