The footsteps became clearer and clearer in their ears. They wouldn't be more than twenty five feet. Thomas, Newt, and Minho lifted their gun, aiming them to the tunnel carefully. No one took action yet. They looked at each other, waiting for confirmation. There was no word needed to understand what in each head thought of. They nodded, agreeing the deal they made in silence. So, they shot at once.

Whine and cry in pain filled the room. Thomas peeped, seeing there were three of them scrambled to the floor. He couldn't see where the bullets hurt them, be he could ensure the three of them weren't able to fight. The rest of them, Thomas was surprised to know the number of them who still moved forward. There were a dozen men crowded at the tunnel, each of them brought a shield.

Thomas pulled his face out as the counter shot finally came. He shot his gun without looking at the target. His gaze met Minho whom covered his face with frustration. Minho saw the shield for sure. They were using those to protect themselves. Thomas heard a familiar sound when the bullets crashed the metal shields.

"I'm sorry, Newt. I think this plan's not gonna work." Thomas lost the power in his voice. "We have to tell the others to get away from this place quickly. Or they will catch all of us."

"You're right, Tommy. You go!" Newt keep on firing. "You and Minho. I'll hold them."

Thomas and Minho exchanged glance. Thomas raised his eyebrows while Minho frowned. They both seemed to disagree with Newt's selfless command. He was about to grab Newt's hand as he heard Minho whine in pain.

"Shuck!" Minho spat. His right hand got shot so he stopped shooting.

"Tommy, go get Minho!" Newt was already beside Minho, pulling him out so his body fully covered by the wall while he kept on shooting.

"What are you talking about, slinthead? I'm perfectly fine." Minho grabbed Newt by the shoulder, but Newt didn't let him.

Thomas still attacked them with his gun. He couldn't let Minho stay, feeling his blood seeping out his hurt hand. He could lose his consciousness if he lost too much blood. On the other side, he wouldn't leave Newt behind to cover them.

"Newt, you and Minho get out right now!" Thomas asked. His eyes tried to find Newt's.

"No, Tommy!"

"Newt!" He denied. His tone was steady, showing he didn't want to disobey. "Newt, listen to me! I'm the one they wanted. They won't kill me. I'll be safe here. You go, get them out of here!"

"Shuck!" Minho spat. "Let's get out of here! All of us." Minho pulled Newt's hand, making him bend down.

Thomas liked what Minho did. Fortunately, Newt let Minho do whatever to him. The three of them ran away from the door of the tunnel. A dozen men at the tunnel moved freely, chasing them.

"Sam, get the others out of here!" Newt cried out loud. His voice filled the room.

Thomas didn't see his friends. He could only guess where they were by the sound of their footsteps. They'd just moved. Thomas hopped wherever the way out was near enough since the group who were chasing them, were right behind them, running and firing.

"Newt, how long until we reach the door out?" Thomas decreased his acceleration, positioning himself beside Newt and Minho.

"Not so far," Newt panted, catching his breath. "There's a tunnel there, we use that way." Newt motioned to his left side.

Vaguely, a dozens feet away, Thomas saw a hole in the wall, just like the door of the tunnel he passed previously. A smile escaped from his face as he saw Gally, aiming his gun. Gally started firing. He was not the only one, Thomas saw Brenda and Sonya took part in the attack.

After the Crank (TMR Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now