8. Not What I Asked

Start from the beginning

"Aw, Brandon," Lou said smiling, "Always the boy scout," Brandon sat up a little straighter and half smiled as turned on his blinker and changed lanes

"Anyway we dated for a half second, broke up but stayed friends, he moved to Indiana," Wyatt put his hand on the shoulder of his seat and Callie put hers on top, "He moved back the week that Jude and I were getting adopted, and we officially got back together the day Jude was adopted," Lou nodded,

"Thats the day you found out about your dad? Right? That's why you weren't adopted that day?" Lou asked seemingly checking with Brandon through the mirror that her information was correct.

"Its the day I found out about my biological dad, Robert Quinn, yes,"

"It's been a crazy few months to say the very least," Wyatt said smiling at Callie then turning to the front,

"So where do you go to school Lou?" Wyatt asked

"I dropped out to focus on my music, there really wasn't a whole lot for me in the public education system," Brandon rolled his eyes which apparently made Lou laugh, "Brandon is not impressed by my lack of education,"

"But her musical talents trump her lack of formal education" Brandon said peering in the rear view and winking at Lou, who nodded her approval.

"How's the band working out?" Wyatt asked turning towards both Brandon and Lou.

"It's good," Brandon said raising his eyebrows slightly,

"Some of us have been bit by the muse and are writing excessively awesome songs and others of us are... struggling to find their voice" Lou said looking at Brandon in the rear view, Brandon smiled and shook his head,

"That song you guys played at that one show we went to, Rebels?" Wyatt said

"Outlaws," Lou corrected, Callie felt her eyes get slightly bigger and she let out an audible breath,

"Yeah that was a good one," Wyatt said nodding at Brandon

"Aren't you like always playing stuff in your room?" Callie looked at Brandon skeptically, he took in a breath and shook his head,

"Its all just old stuff" Brandon said shaking his head and turning into the Bowling Alley parking lot.

They got out of the car and headed towards the door. Wyatt and Brandon walked ahead so they would be able to pay and get shoes.

"I'm glad we're doing this" Lou said walking next to Callie,

"Me too, this should be fun," Callie said smiling with her lips pursed together

When they walked in the boys were already at the shoe/concession counter. They picked up their shoes, placed their dinner order, and walked to the lane they had been assigned.

"I'll get us setup here," Wyatt said sitting down at the computer,

"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick," Callie said as Lou sat down, She walked away taking deep breaths. This was fun. Lou was cool. She shouldn't be having this level of anxiety about the whole situation. She walked into the bathroom and took a few deep breaths. Have fun. When Callie walked out she saw Brandon at the concession stand waiting for their order. She walked over to him,

"Hey" she said with a semi forced smile,

"Hey," Brandon said slightly startled to see her, "You okay?" Callie nodded eyebrows raised in a way Brandon knew meant she was brave facing the situation,

"Yeah, this is fun. Lou is really nice and cool," Brandon let out a small laugh,

"She can be a bit of an interrogator, but she doesn't mean anything by it,"

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