3 : Farcical Demands

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3 : Farcical Demands

"I packed them both enough clothes for two weeks, I wrote -" Her voice grew faint as she sensed my imminent irritation.

"What," she asked offended evidently, and possibly annoyed. I narrowed my eyes until they reduced to slits, staring belligerently at my sister.

"Giselle, you said a couple of days. Two weeks isn't the equivalent of a couple of days, at least not in this world. What the hell am I supposed to do for an entire two weeks," I cried incredulously. I could feeling my face becoming hot, as she rolled her eyes and gave a reprobative grunt, she was near an insult.

"It's not like you have anything better to do. Besides its one more week, where's the harm in that," she argued, her practicality put my hysteria to shame. My eyes bulged, Stunned.

"Who the hell are you to decided that? I actually--," I was so abruptly cut off mid sentences.

"You what," she challenged, raising a brow. How could I possibly tell her about my nonfeasance at receiving an internship at one of the finest law firms in New York City,

I couldn't possibly tell her about how Mr. Kallas was so brusque, knowing she would disapprove.

"I-I um," I stuttered incoherently. I cleared my throat, coming back confident, "I have to um, I-I ugh," nonetheless, my temporary speech impediment was giving me it's best. Giselle smirk was ever so sly. "Just go before you miss your flight," I snarled, abandoning my facade. Being her typical self, she gave a cheeky smile, feeling victorious, I presume. Siblings can be very distressing at times, but it seemed as if my sister's only purpose in life, was to make my life a living hell.

I followed her out of the kitchen into the living room, watching as she bid her children farewell. "Bye Franky, you be good for zia while I'm gone, mommy loves you."

She eagerly pulled her daughter into a warm embrace, before she gave her a kiss on the cheek. Sebastian laid sound asleep in his car seat. Giselle's lips pursed, as they gently caressed Seby's forehead, she was very careful not to waken him. The sight of a loving mother and her children was enticing in all aspects, it warmed my heart to no end. It carried me throughout my past, allowing me to reminisce on those sweet memories of our mother, before the cancer. I blinked my eyes rapidly, wishing away the thoughts of my deceased mother.

"Alrighty then, I should be going. Again, thank you so much. I'll call you when we make it to London. Love you," she called over her shoulder as she went through the door.

"Yeah, love you too," My voice fading near the end, as I caught one last glimpse of the hair that engulf her head in all its entirety. Instinctively I locked the door behind her, making a sonorous clicking sound. I turned to find, franky, sitting near the window staring into the distance.

"Franky," I called, fairly concerned.

Her hair flew as she whipped around. I examined her, nothing appeared to be wrong with her, but I'll check for certainty.

"You alright, ," I asked, smoothing down her wild curls. She definitely took after her mother, with the light bronze complexion and the disobedient hair.

"I'm bored. Can we do something," she pouted, listlessly. What does this child know about boredom, with all of the toys and gadgets her father buys her. She has him wrapped around her finger at the age of five.

"Hmm, and what do you suggest we do," I asked amusedly.

Her gasped echoed throughout the living room. "Me, you, and Sammy can go get ice cream," she told me. "And and then, we can go to the park," she continued. As she planned our day, all that came to mind was, Who the hell is Sammy?

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