5 : Unforeseen

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5 : Unforeseen

"You said you would call when you got there," I reminded meekly.

My head rests against the window as I talk on the phone with my sister. The children are tucked away in bed, and the house is filled with a peaceful silence.

Giselle immediately rushes to her own aegis. "I know, I know. My flight got in late. But Honey, let me tell you, London is nothing like you'd expect."

I couldn't muster up enough energy to care about her rendezvous in London, I needed to address more relevant, and urgent matters. Though, I threw on a mere facade in despite of the factors that came into play.

"Wow, you're so lucky. I wish I was there. It's so lifeless here," I inveighed halfheartedly.

"Yeah, you need a vacation," she admitted facilely. Says the women whose children I'm watching for two weeks. I let out an elongated breath, as I dwell on my misfortune.

"Hey, Giselle? The children do they have a regular babysitter? Does Franky go to school?" I asked, not having any shame in my protruding inquisitiveness.

"Yeah, they do, and that reminds me, Franky is home schooled. She has a tutor, Savannah. I'll email you the information pertaining to it, but what's up, why the inquiry?"

"Well, I got a new job at a law firm working as a personal assistant and a paralegal. My boss wants me to start right away, but I can't."

"I'm crossed with you right about now. How come you didn't tell me sooner? I could've hired you as a personal assistant."

I rolled my eyes for the fourth time today, not entirely at her but at myself. She's right I could've asked her for a job, but I was in need of something that would compliment my law studies.

"To be frank with you, I'd rather have you as an employer than him, and I don't even like you." I joked playfully.

Memories of my unfortunate encounters with Adonis flooded my mind. I grimaced to myself, unhappy with my life. Before she could reply, my phone began chiming unexpectedly.

"Hold on, someone is calling," I murmured pulling the phone from my ear. I glanced at the caller i.d. and groaned.

"It's him, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye, kiss my babies for me."

I imbibed a bottomless breath before answering. "It's late Mr. Kallas."

He drives me insane. I could feel my jaws clenching as I anticipate his oncoming words.

"Then why are you still up Ms. Augustine?"

I can hear the cocksureness in his voice. I opened my mouth prepared for an argument, "I --", but was immediately cut off.

"Never mind that, come open the door."

I gave an uneasy chuckle, "I'm at my brother's house," lying unashamedly.

"Stop being a compulsive liar, and come open the door."

I stared at the phone disbelievingly. He will be the death of me. I reluctantly got up as knocks sounded at the door. Dread washed over me as I looked through the peephole, making sure it was him. Indeed, it was.

I unlocked the door but left the chain on. Parting the door slightly, I eyed him.


He frowned, giving me one of his famous 'don't challenge me' looks. He didn't wait a second longer.

"Are you going to let me in?" He questioned, exasperated.

I gave him a once over, deciding if I should.

Strictly Business (editing) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ