1: Strictly Business

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The brawny winds blew through my massive curls, seemingly working in cahoots with the harsh winter breeze that stung my face. I stood on the sidewalk doing my best, which was my worst, trying to hail a cab. I shoved my numb, kaput hand in my pocket, then snuggled deeper into my coat, so far the only source of warmth that remotely stood a chance against the brutal weather.

I felt frustration lurking near while watching as cab after cab continuously drive past me, as if I weren't begging to be seen. Which contradicted what was being done. I felt like lady liberty, standing off to the side with my arm outstretched, nearly freezing to death.

"Why is it this cold," I hissed, to no one in particular. I then groan, reading the time from my cell phone.

I have a very interview at eleven, and the time on my phone read nine thirty-five. Taking the gruesome traffic into consideration, I'm concluding that I would barely making it there on time. Sensing my oncoming irritation, I waved my hand vigorously, beseeching to be seen. Right on cue, a cab pulled up right beside me. I sighed, feeling the relief, and consolation wash over me.

The driver turned around, and gave me a lengthy once over. While he took in my features, I felt the urge to do the same. He appeared to be fairly young. Maybe my senior by a year or two. His dark brown, cocoa colored skin, opposed my bright, mocha tone.

His scruffy hair was in desperate need of clipping along with his unpalatable stubble. He wasn't the least bit delectable. Yet I wasn't one to let the appearance of a person cloud my judgment of them. He could be a respectable young man. I greeted him with a smile, readying myself to tell him my destination.

Suddenly a gust of wind hit me when the door to the left was thrown open. I stared at the man, hypnotically, as he clambered into the cab. He was gorgeous but, he was hijacking my cab. ...He was hijacking my cab!

"Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing."

"Well, I thought I was getting inside of a cab," he said satirically.

He held my gaze, awaiting me to say something more. After a couple minutes of a stare down, I tore my eyes away from him. I could hear the corners of his mouth tip up.

"Smart ass," I grunted, inaudibly. "I'm sorry sir, you will have to catch the next one, I was here first," I said dismissively. Giving into the urge, I checked the time once more becoming antsy just knowing I have only an hour to make it to the firm. Punctuality says everything about a person.

"You can't just jump into a cab because you assume you saw it first."

He sat back in his seat and fixed his gaze on me. I stared at him warily, analyzing his face, taking in every feature. His disheveled dirty brown hair complimented his earthy, greenish, hazel eyes. His teeth were perfect, and his lips were tempting, but not that tempting.

I pressed my lips to a thin line and said,"I didn't assume, I was seated and situated before you came."

"Hey, sorry to interrupt y'all Lil' chat, but can we get going," a new voice chimed in.

I look to the driver and gave him awkward small smile, unveiling teeth. He continued to stare with a sullen expression. My attitude now matched his. I scowled at him, not approving of how he looked at me. What the hell is with these people and their inapposite behaviors, and attitudes.

"Why can't you just tell him I was here first," I said through clenched teeth.

"Look lady, I'm listing to whoever got the money." His tone was nonchalant.

I blinked, taken back. Appalled, that he would even say such a thing. My understanding is perspicuous, this man knew absolutely nothing about clientele.

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