Chapter 21

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~Shays POV~

I have been in this hell- hole for who knows how long. It's felt like three weeks but I don't know anymore. I'm kind of loosing faith on them finding me. No! What am I saying?! They have to be looking for me.

"You're awake."

"Yea I am where's my amazing breakfast in bed?"

"Some bodies eager huh?"

"Yea eager to get the hell out of here."

"Oh don't worry baby. We're almost complete with stage 1."

"What's after stage 1?"

"Nothing too extreme."

"Tell me before.."

"Before what?! You stupid people, always saying stop before I. Before what I have the upper hand! You can't do anything. Nobodies going to do anything."

"What cat got your tongue? Poor baby. I'll be back try not to do anything, before I.."

She left laughing with a smirk on her face. Why me? I realized in order to get back I have to do whatever they say. Even if it means killing someone.

~Christina's POV~

Today is the day I get my instructions on how to break up Ellie and Cameron. I waited in the house alone. The kids were at day care, so I was home alone. The phone finally rang, I hesitated to pick it up.


"In order to break them up you have to hit them where it hurts most."

"What's that?"

"For Ellie you have to get Cameron to cheat on her with his ex. For Cameron you have to get Ellie to do what he hated most, all those years ago."

"What is it?"

"Ellie leaving him."

"I'll try what if I fail?"

"If you fail not only will your hubby pass, but a little set of twins will too."

"How do you.."

"I have my people. Just watch your back."

They hung up. How do they know about the kids? The daycare, I have to get them.

~Ellie's POV~

It's been two weeks since we've seen Shay. I talked to Christina the other day but she was acting weird. Maybe it's just from her worrying about Shay. Yea, that's what it is.

"Hey Cam."


"Do you think we'll find Shay?"

"Yea, he's probably fine or maybe he's lost. Don't worry everything's going to be fine."

"Your right."

"You seem down I know what will make you happy."


"Get in the car we're going somewhere."


"I can't tell you."

"Come on you know I hate surprises."

"Oh, well."

I got in the car and we came up to Walmart. What the heck? We got out and walked inside. We went to the women's clothing area and he started blasting A Thousand Miles from his phone. He started to sing along and dance around totally ignoring the fact that he was annoying the other customers.

"What are you doing you're going to get us kicked out?!"

"Lighten up, this is fun sing with me."

"You're funny. No. I'm leaving."

"No you're not I have the keys to the car."

He grabbed my hand and started dancing with me. I got to admit it was funny. I played along and we started going up to the other shoppers and singing in their faces. We did this for about half an hour before I grabbed his keys and ran out. He chased me and caught up to me. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Where do you think you're going missy?"

"Home. Where the heart is."

"Really? Fine we'll go home, but I'm driving."

He put me down and it was a race to the car. He won.

"Hey you cheated you're taller than me."

"What I can't help it if I'm fast."

"Oh really when we get home I'm racing you to the pool."

"You're on short stop."

We got home and I won the race. But he picked me up and threw me in.

"Hey I won why did you throw me in?"

"I felt like it."

"I want a hug."


And with that we ran inside. I chased him all around the house. But he hid somewhere and I couldn't find him. I searched his room and when I turned he picked me up and spun me.

"What happened to no hugs?"

"Well I thought it over and realized I was gonna get wet anyway when we went swimming."

"Okay, let me go put on my bathing suit."

I went to my room and grabbed my blue and white striped bikini and put it on. I ran downstairs to the pool and he was there by the door. He pushed me in again but I managed to grab him before I fell in.

"Hey I wasn't ready."

"Oh well slow people get pulled into the pool." I said.

We swam for another hour then I went in to get ready for bed. When I got out of the bathroom Cameron was on the bed reading Divergent.

"You like it?"

"Yea it's really good. Have you read it?"

"Yea it's really good."

I sat in the bed talking to him about the book before my eyes got heavy. I felt his warm arms wrap around me before I fell asleep.

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