Chapter 16

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All I could think about was the girl he cheated on me with. How could he do this to me? What did I so to deserve this? The girl he cheated on me was his secretary so she knew I was dating Sam. He had a picture of me on his desk. It was time for me to teach him a lesson. But that's not me. I will need help. So, I called Christina.

"Hey Christina."

"Hey! How are you?"

"Horrible! I know you just had the kids but can come over?"

"Yes. I'll have Shay watch the kids."

"Thanks I need it."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I was now sobbing, because all I could think about was Sam. Why did I deserve this? It seems like my whole life has been just one big joke. I have lost so much. Why do I always have to get hurt? the door bell rang and I made myself look decent and answered the door. It was Christina.

"Hey what's wrong?!"

"Come in and I'll tell you."

We sat on the couch and I explained the whole thing to her.

"I am so sorry Ellie."

"It's okay. I just don't know why all this had to happen to me."

"I don't know Ellie."

"I thought I loved him. I guess I was wrong." I was sobbing at this point. It felt I always cried. "Nothing good ever happens in my life."

"You have Shay, the kids, and me."

"I do have that. But I've lost so much. I don't mean to sound sorry for myself but I feel alone. I know I have you guys but you guys have the kids to take care of and you need to give your full attention to them. I don't blame you."

"I'm always here for you. Whenever you need me. I am still your best friend and I always will be."

"Thanks. Should I see a therapist? To calm my stress."

"Yes. That my help you."

"Thanks Christina."

"No problem I will always be here for you."

"Love you bye."

"Love you too. bye"

She left and I decided to take a shower since I probably was filthy from last night. I was finally done when I heard a knock on the door. It was someone I didn't really want to see, but kind of needed.

"Hey Cameron."

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