Chapter 9

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What she tells me makes me drop my tea and the glass shatters.

"I am pregnant."

"What?! how?!

"Well you know how."

"I know that, but with who?"


"What?! how long have you two been together?"

"For three months."

"Oh my gosh. What the hell were you thinking?"

"What? Is this how you react to your best friend who just gave you some very important news!"

"Yes it is! You just made the biggest mistake of your life!"

"No I didn't! I knew exactly what I was doing! I told him the news and we plan on taking care of this kid for the rest of our lives!"

"But your not even married yet! You've only been dating for three months!"

"I have always loved him, he was just to head over heals with you! You know I have to go. See you later best friend or so I thought!"

What have I done? I just lost my best friend. Did he like me? I am going to test to see if he truly loves her. If he truly loves her he will stay with her. But he's my best friend too. What if my boyfriend finds out? So many things could go wrong!

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