Day 1: Fears

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SasuSaku Month 2018 Day 1: Fears

It is SasuSaku month I will participate in it, if anyone has a prompt they want to see me write, just let me know.

Sakura Uchiha pressed her back against a tree, her world felt like spinning around in a million circles. She left in her husband's hand go onto her shoulder giving her a squeeze. She put her hand on top of his. Before Sasuke could say anything. "I'm fine Sasuke-kun. I'm just a little dizzy." Sakura tried to assure her husband that she was fine and they could continue going.

"Maybe you should rest for a bit."

"I'll be fine Sasuke just give me a second. We are almost to the next inn I can rest once we are there." Sasuke moves his hand from her shoulder to her lower abdomen where their unborn child was growing, he lightly rubbed it. Sasuke helps Sakura back on her feet, his eyes didn't leave her sight.

Ever since Sasuke found out that Sakura was pregnant became more protective of her. Of course, their child was causing more problems than it should. As much as she loved her unborn child, she was starting to get irritated at their child; from the dizziness spell to the morning sickness. Sasuke's worry continues to grow along with her symptoms. The couple eventually reached the inn. Sakura resting on the shared bed, her dizziness finally left her.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said sitting up noticing something troubling her husband. "If you're worried about me I'm fine." Sasuke nodded, he knew that his wife would be fine. He sure wasn't, ever since he found out Sakura was pregnant which was a month ago, making Sakura three months pregnant with their child. He started to develop fears of his own, he decided not to bother Sakura with them. Sasuke was scared to be a father, he didn't want to hurt his child as he did with Sakura. He knew that Sakura would be an amazing mother. Sasuke was full of happiness and joy that he was having a child. Sakura look at her husband there was a small expression of worry and fear. She didn't realize what he was actually feeling until now he wasn't the only one. She places her hand on his cheek.

"Sasuke-kun you can talk to me." Sasuke mismatched eyes went to her slightly swollen stomach, he lightly pressed his large hand where their baby was. At that moment Sakura realizes what he was feeling, this was about their baby he was worried. 'I should have known.' Sakura thought. She places another hand on top of his. "It's the baby isn't. I should have noticed it sooner."

"Don't guilt yourself. I'm just worried about you and the baby." Sasuke looks at his wife.

"It's more than that Sasuke. You're scared about being a father. You're not alone."

"You'll be a wonderful mother. I don't want to hurt her." Sakura grabbed the sides of Sasuke's face, force him to look at her in the eyes. "You are going to be a wonderful father. You won't hurt our child. He or she will love you, you're not the person you were back then."

"Sakura I don't know how to be a father. I'm afraid it will grow up to hate me, I don't want our child to end up how I did."

"Sasuke Uchiha you listen to me our baby isn't going to fall into the darkness. He or she is going to grow up to be a wonderful shinobi like their father. They won't have a reason to hate you, you're past shouldn't matter. He or she will love for the man you are now." Sasuke wrapped his arm around his wife's waist and pull her close. "How can you be sure?"

"Because our baby will have such a loving overprotective father." Sasuke presses his lips against Sakura's. They hold until they were about out of breath. "Sasuke-kun early you called our baby she."


"Do you want a daughter?"

"It doesn't matter as long as they're healthy." Deep down Sasuke thought it would be nice if he had a daughter, she would be just like her mother, someone who can love unconditionally. The two stays in each other arms, for the rest of the night Sasuke's fears were lifted.


I loved how this one-shot came out. I hope Sasuke wasn't too out of character I tried my best. Let me know what you guys thought.

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